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The old sailor loves to spin yarns about his life at sea.

The old prospector had stayed alone up in the mountains so long that he\'d gone off his rocker. 这位年老的探矿者,独自一个人在山上呆了很久,他已发疯了。
The old queen turned around and said to the princess: “You can sleep on it tonight, whether you are a true princess or not, it will come out tomorrow morning. 老皇后转身对公主说:”你今晚就睡在这上面,你是不是真正的公主,明天就会知道了。”
The old queen was held in great reverence. 年老的女王受到极大的敬爱。
The old recluse was very cagey about her past life. 老隐士对自己过去的生活守口如瓶。
The old root absorbed more than 60% of the required water, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium of rice plants, while the new roots did less than 40%. 老根吸收60%以上水稻所需的水分、氮、磷和钾,而新根只吸收不到40%。
The old sailor loves to spin yarns about his life at sea. 老水手爱信口开河地将他的航海生涯。
The old sailor reeled off one story after another. 老海员滔滔不绝地讲了一个又一个故事。
The old sailor still had a smack of the sea about him. 这老水手身上仍然带有海的味道。
The old school still stands. 这所老学校依然还在。
The old script wasn't were modular and the only way to sort the table was to actually click on the header cell. 老版本不是模块的,对表排序的唯一方式是点击标题单元格。
The old seaman stayed at the inn for many months.The sea-chest in his room was always llocked.Nobody knew what was in it. 老海员在客店一住就是好几个月。以此期间,他那口箱子总是锁得严严的,没有人知道那里头藏着什么东西。

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