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US Treasuries were weaker during May as investor expectations for an interest rate cut from the Federal Reserve waned.

US President Theodore Roosevelt delivers a 20,000-word speech to the house of representative asking Congress curb the power of trusts within reasonable limits. 1901年美国总统西奥多?罗斯福向众议院发表了一番2万字的演说,要求国会将托拉斯的权力控制在合理的限度内。
US Response: How to Combat Terrorism? 483美国如何打击恐怖主义?
US Secretary of State Colin Powell heads to the region next week for a June 22 meeting in Amman of the international quartetthat drew up the roadmap. 美国国务卿科林鲍威尔将于6月22日动身前往安曼参加制定“和平路线图”的国际会议。
US Secretary of State Colin Powell visited the Mideast from May 10 to 11 for a diplomatic mediation to kickstart the roadmap for peace plan in the Mideast. 5月10~11日,美国国务卿科林·鲍威尔访问中东,为推进中东和平“路线图”计划进行外交斡旋。
US Securities and Exchange Commission to report investment fraud. 向美国安全和交易委员会报告投资欺诈。
US Treasuries were weaker during May as investor expectations for an interest rate cut from the Federal Reserve waned. 由于对美联储减息的预期减弱,美国国债5月份表现疲弱。
US Treasury Secretary John Snow applauded the shift as a significant contribution to global financial stability. 美国财政部部长约翰称赞这次变动为全球金融市场的稳定做出了巨大的贡献。
US Treasury bills are tendered in thisway. 美国国库券就以这种方式招标。
US Undersecretary of State Richard Lee Armitage first stated in Tokyo the day before yesterday (8.28) that the “one China” policy of the US government means that people across the straits agree that ”there is only one China and Taiwan is part of China.” H 美国副国务卿阿米蒂奇前日(8月28日)在东京答复记者提问时首次说明美国政府的“一个中国”政策,是“两岸人民都同意只有一个中国,而台湾是中国的一部分”,又声言遵守三个联合公报及“台湾关系法”。
US Vice President George H. W. Bush announces that New Hampshire teacher Christa McAuliffe will become the first schoolteacher to ride aboard the Space Shuttle. 1985年的今天,美国副总统乔治·H·W·布什宣布新汉普郡老师克里斯蒂娜·麦克奥莉芙将成为首位登上航天飞船的在校老师。
US airline Pan Am ends operations. 1991年,美国航空公司泛美航空停止经营。

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