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But, unavoidably, taxes must also go up.

But, this new wealth and a growing sense of civic pride did not sit easily with the foul stretch of canal winding through the city. 但是,新的财富和市民日益增长的自豪感并不能和穿过这个城市的污秽的运河相匹配。
But, thought Z is not. She or quite realistic! 但是,觉得Z不是。她还是比较现实的!
But, to be honest, the way to a Western manager's heart isn't through complex English compositions, but through strategically-used English phrases that can reveal you're the type of employee they can't live without. 但是,说实在的,对于打动西方经理人并不需要使用复杂的英语架构,但是要有策略的运用英语来展现你是一位不可或缺的好员工。
But, to be on the safe side, you'd better go to the X-ray Department. 但是出于安全考虑,你还是最好去照一张X光片。
But, tyranny forbid without end love. 然而,暴政禁止不了爱情。
But, unavoidably, taxes must also go up. 但不可避免的是税率必须要增加。
But, unduly worried by inflation, it seems unwilling to do even that. 但是,因为对通货膨胀有不必要的担忧,欧洲央行甚至连这一步也不愿意走。
But, unfortunately, she was the worst one. 但是,非常不幸的是,她是最严重的一位。
But, unless, you'll travel to freezing climes, it's highly unlikely you will have seen their pebble ritual. 但是,除非你有机会到这个天寒地冻的地带来,否则不大可能看到他们的赠送石块的仪式。
But, unlike any other geyser, this one erupted with a poisonous gas. 但是,这个间歇泉不像其它间歇泉,它喷发的时候毒气也一起冲起来。
But, we are seeing continued explosive growth on the part of the Republic of Korea and China. 但是我们也看到韩国和中国在这方面持续快速的增长.

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