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The results of experiment indicate the precision of the interior position elements and optical lens distortion coefficient of the digital camera reaches the design requirement and meets the close shot photogrammetry requisition for the general digital cam

The results of conservation priority area assessment showed that 9 sites should be protected as high priorities for biodiversity conservation, i. e. , Dongzhaigang, Houshui Bay, Beili Bay, Yangpu Port, Sanya River, Qinlan Port, Minrenshan and Yinggehai. 通过保护优先地区的分析,优先保护的地区如东寨港、后水湾、北黎湾、洋浦港、三亚河、清澜港、名人山和莺歌海等,栖息地的质量较好,具有较大的水鸟多样性和物种数,而且前3者还是国际性濒危鸟类黑脸琵鹭3个越冬地。
The results of data analysis indicate that employees' perception of organizational justice (distributive justice, procedural justice, interactional justice, informational justice) and managerial compliance with the labor law are important antecedents of e 数据分析结果表明,企业薪酬管理公平性与企业守法程度是影响员工薪酬满意感的重要因素;企业薪酬管理公平性通过员工的薪酬满意感和归属感,间接影响他们的工作积极性和工作绩效。
The results of data analysis were presented in three main categories, namely, (1).drawbacks in couple's relationship with subjects including dissatisfaction with sexual life, pressures from infertility, and negativity in communication; (2).decline in coup 资料分析结果呈现三个主要核心範畴及相关副範畴分别是:一、夫妻相处的牵绊-副範畴包括:无趣的性生活、生育的关卡、负向婚姻沟通;二、天长地久有时尽-副範畴包括:同床异梦、冷淡与疏远、冲突与危机;三、生命共同体-夫妻相扶相持、共同寻求资源。
The results of emulation and practical technical application indicate that time sequence components observed by empirical mode decomposition algorithm and frequency spec trum of them can reflect partial failure signature of gear adequately, at the same ti 仿真研究及实际工程应用表明,采用经验模式分解算法后得到的时序分量及其频谱能够很好地体现齿轮局部故障特征,具有很强的弱信号特征提取能力。
The results of emulation show that the said neural network has good effectiveness, laying a foundation for optimized operation and automatic control of the coal pulverizing system. 仿真结果表明,网络效果良好,为制粉系统优化运行和自动控制奠定了基础。
The results of experiment indicate the precision of the interior position elements and optical lens distortion coefficient of the digital camera reaches the design requirement and meets the close shot photogrammetry requisition for the general digital cam 实验结果表明,数码相机的内方位元素及物镜畸变系数的精度均已达到设计的要求,满足近景摄影测量对普通数码相机的要求,故被标定的相机可用于近景摄影测量。
The results of experiment on the relationship between tensile strength, shrinkage, self-desiccation shrinkage and flat restraint cracking show that SRA's physical shrinkage-reducing effect and EA's chemical expansion effect greatly enhance the volume stab 对减缩剂与膨胀剂抗拉强度、干缩、自干燥收缩及平板约束开裂的试验结果表明:SRA的物理减缩作用及膨胀剂的化学膨胀作用,大大提高了混凝土早期的体积稳定性,降低了早期开裂的概率。
The results of experiment show that the maximum overshoot and static error of dynamic output of fuzzy control system are more less than that of PID control system, and it also has good robustness and stability. 实验结果表明,模糊控制器动态输出的超调量和静态误差均比传统PID小,并且控制系统具有良好的稳定性。
The results of experimental investigation on heat transfer and fluid pressure drop of spirally fluted titanium-tubes for steam condensation are reported and analyzed. 摘要介绍了钛螺纹槽管传热及流动阻力的实验结果,并对结果进行了分析。
The results of experiments in Tamil Nadu (Table 3.) show that a treatment combination of incorporation of 12.5 t/ha of green manure, plant population of 5.0-8.0 lakh plants/ha and fertilizer application of 150-50-50 kg N-P2O5-K2O/ha applied in 4 splits (e 泰米尔纳德的试验结果(表3)表明,12.5吨/公顷绿肥5.0~8.0×105蔸/公顷的密度及150-50-50公斤N-P2O5-K2O/公顷的施肥量(分别作基肥、分蘖肥、穗分化始期肥及抽穗肥四等分施用)这一组合获得最高水稻产量。
The results of experiments showed that spirally fluted titanium-tube are better choice on heat transfer enhancement for the miniaturization of naval steam condensers. 实验结果表明,钛螺纹槽管是实现冷凝器小型化较为理想的强化管管型。

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