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By fixing the attention upon the throat center, the cessation of hunger and thirst will ensue.

By finding the big penetrating crack in Wangpu Aqueduct upper frusta structure, the task group has adopted the integrated measures of chemical perfusion, carbonized fibre reinforcement and doping external surfaces to effectively reinforce the work, and im 摘要针对王铺渡槽上部墩柱结构出现的大开度贯穿性裂缝,经过全面分析和多方案综合对比,采用裂缝化灌、碳纤维加固、外表面刷涂水性环保型乳胶漆外墙涂料作为防护的综合措施对原工程进行有效的加固处理,并结合水利工程的自身特点改进了加固技术工艺,取得了显著的经济和社会效益。
By firing a few shots we can surprise them into revealing their positions. 我们冷不防打几枪就能让他们暴露他们的位置。
By first working with the few US Army transport aircraft that were available to supply both Chennault's aerial operations and the Chinese military, and then as an intricate part of the Army's Air Transport Command, CNAC aircrews would operate in support o 在首批驾驶少量的有用的美军运输机支持陈纳德将军的空中行动和中国军队,然后成为了空军空中运输司令部的一员,中国航空公司的全体机组人员支持盟军在整个的中缅印战场的行动。
By five thirty she was feeling pretty hungry. 五点半的时候,她觉得肚子很饿。
By five, hundreds of scientists flipped Frisbees and chatted with students from Caltech and other universities. 而到了5点,上百位科学家已就地玩起飞盘,并和加州理工学院以及其他大学的学生谈天。
By fixing the attention upon the throat center, the cessation of hunger and thirst will ensue. 对喉咙中枢(喉轮)作冥想,便能相应终止饥渴。
By fixing the attention upon the tube or nerve below the throat center, equilibrium is achieved. 精力专注于喉轮下端的胸腔或是神经中枢,那么则会达到静定平衡。
By flaunting their clothes and outrageous hair-styles, young people flout the authority of their elders. 年轻人借着夸耀自己的衣着和怪异的发型,无视长辈们的权威。
By focusing on descriptive issues related to cultural, geographical and political zoning, borderlines become open narratives. 通过着重于与文化的,地理学和政治的分区,边界线的相关描述成为开放的叙述。
By focusing on urban transportation, especially on urban public transportation, the author argues that public transport shall be considered as a key factor in achieving a sustainable city development, and the transformation of traffic means, the applicati 摘要说明了爲何要关注城市交通、特别是城市公共交通问题;论述了公共交通是实现城市可持续发展的关键因素;探讨了城市交通如何实现向可持续发展交通方式的转变,包括现代信息技术的应用;研究了城市公共交通项目的融资问题。
By focusing squarely on broader financial sector reforms, intellectual property, and the array of market access concerns, the US government and the business community can move us forward in resolving these issues, bringing real benefit to the US economy. 如果我们公平地关注更大范围内金融领域的改革、知识产权保护、市场准入问题,美国政府和商界就能在解决这些问题方面取得进步,从而真正给美国经济带来好处。

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