A substance, such as an antibody, capable of dissolving or destroying cells. |
中文意思: 细胞溶素一种能溶解或破坏细胞的物质,如抗体 |
A substance that when introduced into the body stimulates the production of an antibody. Antigens include toxins, bacteria, foreign blood cells, and the cells of transplanted organs.
抗原当被引入人体内可以促进抗体产生的物质。抗原包括毒素,细菌,异体血球和移植器官的细胞。 |
A substance to be so analyzed.
被分析物,被化验物被化验的物质 |
A substance, especially an enzyme, that initiates or modifies the rate of a chemical reaction in a living body; a biochemical catalyst.
生物催化剂能在活的体内产生化学反应或改变生物体内化学反应速度的物质,尤指酶;生物化学催化剂 |
A substance, often a liquid such as ethylene glycol or alcohol, mixed with another liquid to lower its freezing point.
防冻剂,防冻液,抗凝剂一种物质,通常是液体,如乙二醇或酒精,和另一种液体混合来降低冰点 |
A substance, such as a vitamin or mineral, that is essential in minute amounts for the proper growth and metabolism of a living organism.
微量养料;微量营养元素一种对生物的正常生长和新陈代谢极其重要的微量物质,如一种维生素或矿物质 |
A substance, such as an antibody, capable of dissolving or destroying cells.
细胞溶素一种能溶解或破坏细胞的物质,如抗体 |
A substance, such as boron, added in small amounts to a pure semiconductor material to alter its conductive properties for use in transistors and diodes.
掺杂质,掺质剂加入纯半导体材料中的少量硼等物质,用于晶体管和二极管中以改变半导体的导电率 |
A substance, such as paste or cement, that provides or promotes adhesion.
粘合剂提供或促使粘附的物质,如浆糊或水泥 |
A substance, such as penicillin or streptomycin, produced by or derived from certain fungi, bacteria, and other organisms, that can destroy or inhibit the growth of other microorganisms.
由真菌,细菌和其它微生物产生或从中得到的一种物质,如青霉素或链霉素,可以破坏或抑制其它微生物的生长。 |
A substance, such as water or graphite, that is used in a nuclear reactor to decrease the speed of fast neutrons and increase the likelihood of fission.
慢化剂一种物质,如水或石墨在核反应堆中用来减缓中子运动速度和提高裂变可能性的物质 |
A substantial amount of narcotics was found in the golf bag.
结果在其高尔夫球包中发现了大量麻醉剂。 |