If the program that you're testing comes with an application programmer interface (API) or a macro language, perhaps the function can call a single command and send it the file name and path as parameters.
如果你的测试程序涉及到一个应用编程接口(API)或宏语言,那么该函数或许能调用一个单独的命令,并把文件名和路径作为参数传递给它。 |
If the programs used by the firm are purchased or developed by outside vendors determine which firms prepared the programs.
如果在工厂中使用的程序是通过外部的零售商购买或开发的话,应确定是那些公司编制的这些程序。 |
If the progress chart is in horizontal, is it apply to a bar chart? Interesting point.
如果平放前锋线,适用于横道图吗?有趣的观点。 |
If the project has been realized jointly by two or more scout associations, this would implicate a joint presentation with the participation of members from all associations involved in the project.
如果计划是由两个以上的童军总会所合作参与的,则必需由所有合作参与的总会共同参与展示的活动。 |
If the project is large enough to warrant an architecture team, the goal is to have a good mix of talents, covering a wide spectrum of experience and sharing a common understanding of software engineering process.
如果项目较大,需要组建一个构架团队,则应尽量广聚贤才,使该团队既拥有广泛的经验,又对软件工程流程具有一致的认识。 |
If the project isn't ready to progress, it stays at that level until it's ready.
假如项目不具备进入到下一阶段的条件,那么它将停留在原阶段,直到具备条件为止。 |
If the project proceeds as planned, toxic oil will move from offshore platforms through an earthquake zone and down and 800-kilometer pipeline that crosses 24 active seismic faults and more than 200 wild salmon spawning rivers and tributaries.
如果该项目顺利进行,有毒的油气将通过一个地震带从海上平台泄露出来,同时一条800公里长的管线将穿越24个地震多发带,超过200条河流及其支流,而这正是野生大马哈鱼的产卵地。 |
If the project's a success, similar constructions may spring up elsewhere in the country.
如果这个项目成功的话,类似建筑物也许会在这国家其他的地方涌现。 |
If the proper massage was combined with the Chinese herb bath,the curative effect would be increased.
在中药浴式水疗过程中,配合适当的推拿治疗,进一步提高疗效。 |
If the property is not enough for payment for items in the same order, it shall be paid out proportionately.
破产财产不足清偿同一顺序清偿要求的,按照比例分配。 |
If the protection scope of the case upon acceptance differs from that of the case in which the trademark has already been protected as a famous trademark, the opposing party raises an objection to the point that the trademark is famous and offers evidenti
所受理的案件与已被作为驰名商标予以保护的案件的保护范围不同,或者对方当事人对该商标驰名有异议,且提供该商标不驰名的证据材料的,应当由商标局或者商标评审委员会对该驰名商标材料重新进行审查并作出认定。 |