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An acceptable alternative is to use a demountable system which allows the filters and downstream distribution system to be removed, dried and steam sterilized between sessions. Disinfection after re-assembly to kill dislodged organisms should be carried o

An abundance of valuable material possessions or resources; riches. 财富有价值物质拥有物或资源的丰富;财富
An abyss; a chasm. 深渊;裂缝
An academic course training students in journalism. 新闻学训练学生从事新闻工作的一门学科
An academic depiction of scenes from mythology, history, or the Bible. 以神话、历史或圣经为题材的传统绘画。
An academic study* has now tried to assemble some facts to test the long-held impression that the media usually back the wrong horse. 一项学术研究目前已综合一些要素来验证某一长期存在的印象——媒体总是(形如赌马中)“买错马”。
An acceptable alternative is to use a demountable system which allows the filters and downstream distribution system to be removed, dried and steam sterilized between sessions. Disinfection after re-assembly to kill dislodged organisms should be carried o 一种可接受的替代方法是采用可拆卸系统,使得过滤器和下水分配系统能在每次使用之间拆卸、干燥和蒸汽灭菌,然后在重新组装之后执行消毒,杀死游移的有机物。
An acceptance containing nonmaterial changes to the terms of the offer is nevertheless valid and the terms thereof prevail as the terms of the contract, unless the offeror timely objects to such changes or the offer indicated that acceptance may not conta 第三十一条承诺对要约的内容作出非实质性变更的,除要约人及时表示反对或者要约表明承诺不得对要约的内容作出任何变更的以外,该承诺有效,合同的内容以承诺的内容为准。
An acceptance di atched by the offeree after expiration of the period for acceptance co titutes a new offer, unle the offeror timely advises the offeree that the acceptance is valid. 第二十九条受要约人在承诺期限内发出承诺,按照通常情形能够及时到达要约人,但因其他原因承诺到达要约人时超过承诺期限的,除要约人及时通知受要约人因承诺超过期限不接受该承诺的以外,该承诺有效。
An acceptance dispatched by the offeree after expiration of the period for acceptance constitutes a new offer, unless the offeror timely advises the offeree that the acceptance is valid. 第二十八条受要约人超过承诺期限发出承诺的,除要约人及时通知受要约人该承诺有效的以外,为新要约。
An acceptance is a statement made by the offeree indicating assent to an offer. 承诺是由受要约人作出的,表示同意接受要约的一种声明。
An acceptance is the offeree's manifestation of intention to assent to an offer. 第二十一条承诺是受要约人同意要约的意思表示。

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