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But the marriage fits their needs in a utilitarian sense.

But the manager remained mum on his Game 4 starter. 但是经理关于他的第4场的先发是保留。
But the many different genetic routes to malignancy share common features that point toward new means of cancer prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. 但是到达恶性肿瘤的许多不同的遗传途径具有共同的特征,为我们指出癌症预防、诊断和治疗的新方法。
But the market positions of Amgen, Eli Lilly and As-traZeneca are improving. 而安进、礼莱和阿斯立康公司的地位在提升。
But the market turmoil may be a dress rehearsal for the real crisis that will emerge when the economy is in poorer shape. 但是,市场的混乱可能预计着一场真正的危机,当经济形势再趋恶劣,这场危机就会来临。
But the marketing student has no idea whether his plan to open a natural gas refuelling station for the increasing number of Polish cars running on gas makes financial sense. 涅维亚多姆斯基学的是营销,看到波兰汽车日渐增多,他想开一个天然气加油站,但是他并不知道创业计划在财务上是否行得通。
But the marriage fits their needs in a utilitarian sense. 而婚姻(本身)则实用地满足了二人的需要。
But the marrow must be a close genetic match to your own. 但骨髓的属型必须与你自己的相匹配。
But the matter particles are arranged in groups exactly like you'd expect from the combination rules for gluons, which is regarded as solid indirect evidence that gluons exist. 但如果粒子组合在一起的方式和你所期待的胶子组合的方法相同,这也就是对胶子存在的有力的间接证明。
But the matter was not settled. 然而,问题并没有得到解决。
But the maximum resettlement fee per hectare of land requisitioned shall not exceed 15 times of the average annual output value of the three years prior to the requisition. 但是,每公顷被征用耕地的安置补助费,最高不得超过被征用前三年平均年产值的十五倍。
But the means customary in the field of software today are based on destruction. 但是现在的软件行业是以破坏性为基础的。

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