I first know him from one of his papers that my current advisor recommmend me.
也不知道是不是他要的答案,反正他不再在这个问题上纠缠了。然后问我什么时候毕业的我说今年7月份。 |
I first met him way back in the fifties.
我和他初次见面是早在一九五几年的事. |
I first saw him in Bullet in The Head, but only recently started to pay attention to him with Infernal Affairs.
我第一次看的他的电影是《喋血街头》,最近引起我关注的是《无间道》。 |
I first skim an English passage (read over the passage quickly), then go back and read carefully.
先快速浏览一段英文,然后再重新细读它. |
I first take this cooling gel mask out of the fridge.
我首先把冷胶面罩从冰箱拿出来。 |
I first tried voice control nearly 10 years ago, when Apple included it in the Macintosh operating system.
我第一次尝试语音控制,已是将近10年前的事了。 |
I first worked closely with the Vice President when he was a very successful Secretary of Defense, and I hope some of that may 【rub off】.
与副总统当他是辩护的一位很成功的秘书时我首先接近地工作了,并且我希望那的一些可能【删掉】。 |
I fished in the Mississippi.
我则在密西西比河中垂钓。 |
I fished, baited my own hook, caught my own bait.
不过在10岁的时候,我养过宠物蛇,蜥蜴,癞蛤蟆,你点名吧! |
I fist sore Tony in hero and i know its sad but i went back and watched the sences with him in over and over agian lol..he ahs to be one of the hotest guys i have ever seen...and i am trying to get ahold of more of his films.
看的第一部他的电影是《英雄》,我认为那部电影不怎么样,但我一次又一次的倒回去看有他的那些场景……他绝对是我曾经见过的最帅的男人……正试着找到更多他的电影来看。 |
I fitted a new lock to ensure that the bicycle would not be stolen.
我装了一把新锁以保证自行车不致失窃。 |