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Except for very strenuous yoga practices, you don‘t really burn enough energy to make any difference in terms of weight,said Kristal, who has practiced yoga for 10 years.

Evidence suggests that exercise improves the cognitive performance of people with coronary artery disease,said psychologist Charles Emery, who led the study. 此项研究的负责人、心理学家查尔斯·埃莫里说:“有证据表明,身体锻炼能够提高冠心病患者的认知能力。”
Examine the jar and the cardboard. “检查一下罐子和纸板。
Excellence comes in many unusual ways. 优等生总是各优其优的.
Excellent memory; strong math aptitude; excellent memory; effective management skills; and very good at math. 记忆力强;很强的数学才能;记忆力强;高效的管理技能;数学很好。
Excellent. You are not averse to this trip, Watson? “好极了。你不反对这次旅途吧,华生?”
Except for very strenuous yoga practices, you don‘t really burn enough energy to make any difference in terms of weight,said Kristal, who has practiced yoga for 10 years. “除非是做特别剧烈的瑜伽运动,否则你实际消耗的能量不足以减肥。”克里斯多说,他练习瑜伽已经有10年了。
Exclusive of the property of the Levites and the property of the city, which are in the middle of that which belongs to the prince, everything between the border of Judah and the border of Benjamin shall be for the prince. 结48:22并且利未人之地、与归城之地的东西两边延长之地、(这两地在王地中间)就是在犹大和便雅悯两界中间、要归与王。
Excuse me, where is the entrance to the exhibition hall? 对不起,请问展览大厅的入口处在哪里?
Excuse me,I said, flipping the phone open. Shifting my chair slightly away from the table, I said, Hello? 对不起,打扰了,”我说着打开手机盖并将座椅稍稍一开了一点同会议桌的距离,喂,你好,找谁?
Excuse me,said Peter Cottontail, Are you Humpty Dumpty? “对不起,”皮特说,“你是汉仆.达谱吗?”
Excuse me.Where is the post office? “请问,邮局在什么地方?”

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