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A member of England's Euro 2004 squad although an unused one, he was recently tried as a possible solution to his country's perennial left midfield problem.

A melon caused a Cambodian truck to overturn, killing one person and injuring 30, officials said Thursday. 日前,柬埔寨的一个西瓜引发了一场严重车祸,造成1人丧生,30人受伤。
A member function in a server session (or object) class which implements the servicing of a specific message request from a client program. 在服务器会话(或对象)类中的一个成员函数,这个类扩展了来自客户端程序的一个特定信息答复的服务。
A member initializer that specifes an object initializer after the equals sign is an initialization of an embedded object. 成员构造者特指某个等号后面的对象构造者,是内嵌对象的初始化。
A member of Buffon's entourage had raised the possibility that the World Cup winner could move to Chelsea following the long-term injury to Petr Cech. 布冯身边曾经有人传出这位世界杯冠军队的主力将会转会蓝军切尔西,弥补后者的主力门将切赫长时间的缺阵。
A member of Congo's Parliament on Oct. 21. 10月21日,刚果国会一议员说道。
A member of England's Euro 2004 squad although an unused one, he was recently tried as a possible solution to his country's perennial left midfield problem. 在04年欧洲杯上,为了解决英格兰在左前卫位置上的问题,布里奇曾被尝试当作左前卫使用。
A member of a Baltic people constituting the main population of Latvia. 列托人构成拉脱维亚主要人口的波罗的海人的成员
A member of a Christian charismatic group or movement. 有神授超凡能力的人基督教派有神授能力的团体或运动的成员
A member of a Delaware people. 德拉瓦尔人中的一员
A member of a House of Delegates, the lower house of the Maryland, Virginia, or West Virginia legislature. 州议院议员马里兰州、弗吉尼亚州和西弗吉尼亚州三州国会议员中的众议院议员
A member of a Protestant church not observing the doctrines, usage, or polity of a national or established church, especially the Church of England. 不信奉国教的人新教教会的一个成员,他不遵从国家的或已建立的教会的教义、习惯做法或政体,尤指英国教会

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