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But his armourbearer would not; for he was sore afraid.

But high-rise buildings are not all that Pudong has. 但是,高楼大厦并非浦东的全部。
But high-voltage lines are already approaching the million-volt limit on insulators and the operating limits of semiconductor devices that control DC lines. 不过,高压线路的绝缘体已经逐渐接近百万伏特的限制,而控制直流线路的半导体装置,也即将达到运作极限。
But his United performances, in particular since the turn of the year, have earned the notice of McClaren, who knows Brown's abilities well from his stint as assistant manager at Old Trafford. 但是由于近年来在曼联的优异表现引起了麦克拉伦的注意,这位主教练在任职曼联助教时就对布朗大加赞赏。
But his aides say he will not resign. 但是他的助手称,他不会辞职。
But his aloof nature earned him the nickname Le Sulkand in 1999 he demanded a transfer and was sold to Real Madrid for a staggering £23.5m. 但是他的行为古怪冷漠赋予了他生气包的绰号,在99年他要求转会,以2350万磅的身价被卖掉哦了皇家马德里。
But his armourbearer would not; for he was sore afraid. 但拿兵器的人甚惧怕,不肯刺他。
But his attempt to smear his domestic opponents, who range from centrists to communists, did not go unobserved in China. 但是他抹黑国内中间派以及共产党的政敌的行为,中国并没有毫无察觉。
But his body never was found. 但他的躯体至今仍未被找见!
But his boots and trousers were shabby. 但他的靴子和裤子却破旧不堪。
But his citizens hated him and sent an envoy after him, saying, We do not want this man to reign over us. 14他本国的人却恨他,打发使者随后去说,我们不愿意这个人作我们的王。
But his clinical finish was a reminder of his class in front of goal and the Chelsea boss claims the best is still to come. 但他临门一击还是提醒人们他是世界级的,切尔西主帅称最好的他即将到来。

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