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Article 49 The local people's governments at and above the county level and their comprehensive economic departments, when allocating electricity quotas, shall guarantee the proper proportion of electricity for rural and agricultural utilization, and give

Article 49 The axle-load mass of vehicles running on roads should conform to the technical standards as set by road engineering requirements. 第四十九条在公路上行驶的车辆的轴载质量应当符合公路工程技术标准要求。
Article 49 The beneficiary may enjoy the rights of the trustor prescribed in Articles 20 to 23. 第四十九条受益人可以行使本法第二十条至第二十三条规定的委托人享有的权利。
Article 49 The business hours of commercial banks should be convenient to clients and should be publicly announced. 第四十九条商业银行的营业时间应当方便客户,并予以公告。
Article 49 The carrier shall carry the goods to the port of discharge on the agreed or customary or geographically direct route. 第四十九条承运人应当按照约定的或者习惯的或者地理上的航线将货物运往卸货港。
Article 49 The guarantor shall be responsible for guaranteeing the bearers' rights to the bill when the bearer has acquired the bill legitimately. 第四十九条保证人对合法取得汇票的持票人所享有的汇票权利,承担保证责任。
Article 49 The local people's governments at and above the county level and their comprehensive economic departments, when allocating electricity quotas, shall guarantee the proper proportion of electricity for rural and agricultural utilization, and give 第四十九条县级以上地方人民政府及其经济综合主管部门在安排用电指标时,应当保证农业和农村用电的适当比例,优先保证农村排涝、抗旱和农业季节性生产用电。
Article 49 The parties shall sign a settlement agreement in writing when an amicable settlement is reached through conciliation conducted by the arbitration tribunal, and the arbitration tribunal will close the case by making an arbitration award in accor 第四十九条经仲裁庭调解达成和解的,双方当事人应签订书面和解协议;除非当事人另有约定,仲裁庭应当根据当事人书面和解协议的内容作出裁决书结案。
Article 49 Where laws provide otherwise against illegal acts and for legal liability in regard to marriage and family, the provisions in such laws shall apply. 第四十九条其他法律对有关婚姻家庭的违法行为和法律责任另有规定的,依照其规定。
Article 49. The Supreme Court will be responsible for the explanation of this code. 第四十九条本准则由最高人民法院负责解释。
Article 49: When filing its claim, a creditor shall state in writing the amount of such claim and whether or not there is property-backed security and submit relevant evidence. 第四十九条?债权人申报债权时,应当书面说明债权的数额和有无财产担保,并提交有关证据。
Article 4: A Share buyback by a listed company shall be beneficial to the sustainable development of the company and may not prejudice the lawful rights and interests of the shareholders or creditors. 第四条上市公司回购股份,应当有利于公司的可持续发展,不得损害股东和债权人的合法权益。

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