Visitors left approving remarks in the comment books.
参观的人在留言簿上留下了满意的话。 |
Visitors look at hinadolls at a community center in Katsura, western Japan on Sunday.
参观民众周日在日本关西胜浦市一个社区中心里观赏雏人形娃娃。 |
Visitors looking for a place to stay usually find themselves directed here, as most of the temporary lodgings in the city are found in Midtown.
由于城里绝大多数的旅馆都在市中心,希望能够找个地方落脚的旅者们通常直接来到这里。 |
Visitors may come because they have heard of the good cultural entertainment you can show them, or to take part in a sports event such as a hike or a run.
游客有可能是获悉地方上推出的文化娱乐表演而慕名前来,或者是来参加诸如远足或赛跑等赛事。 |
Visitors might also travel to the nearby promenade by bicycles.
参观人士可以单车代步,前往大埔海滨游览。 |
Visitors must be 18 years of age or over.
浏览人士必须年满十八岁。 |
Visitors must not feed the giraffes.
游人不许喂长颈鹿。 |
Visitors rest in front of a lingerie display during Hong Kong Fashion Week for Fall/Winter 2007, in Hong Kong January 15, 2007.
1月15日,2007年香港秋冬时装周揭幕,从观众疲倦的表情来看,本届时装周似乎乏善可陈。 |
Visitors roam at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, the United States, June 26, 2007.
6月26日,美国纽约大都会博物馆内人头攒动。 |
Visitors staying more than one day must have a site induction.
当来访人需要滞留1天以上时,来访人必须接受和通过安全培训。 |
Visitors to the Catalan city will be welcomed with Gaudi and the epitome of European style.
这座加泰罗尼亚城市迎接游客的是高迪(西班牙著名建筑师)的作品和典型的欧罗巴建筑风格。 |