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That famous progressive thinker was asked to deliver a speech at the meeting.

That famous actor seems delighted to paly a secondary role in the drama. 5那位名演员似乎很乐意在剧中扮演一个次要角色。
That famous film star leads a bohemian life. 那位著名的电影明星过着放荡不羁的生活。
That famous mathematician passed away yesterday. 昨天,那位著名的数学家去世了。
That famous oil painting is now in the possession of Metropolitan Museum. 该著名油画(名画)现由大都会博物馆收藏。
That famous politician was murdered last year. 那位著名的政治家去年被谋杀了。
That famous progressive thinker was asked to deliver a speech at the meeting. 那位著名的进步思想家被邀请在会议上发表演讲。
That famous university stands right opposite the television station. 那所著名大学就在电视台的对面。
That famous university stands right opposite to the television station. 那所著名大学就在电视台的对面。
That farm has a very rich soil. 该农场有一片非常肥沃的土壤。
That farmer employs many farm laborers. 那位农场主雇佣很多农场工人。
That fashion is a survival from the 1930s. 那种时装是三十年代的遗风。

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