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Her name is Ying–zhi Shi, ten years old, first grader at Zi Ying Elementary School.

Her name has been Mud around here. (她在我们这儿已声名狼藉。)
Her name has been put on the ballot. 她的名字已被放上选单。
Her name has been put up for the Political Economy Study Group. 她已被提名为政治经济学学习小组成员。
Her name is Smelly soccer chick. 她的名字是发臭的足球美眉。
Her name is Snow White. 她的名字叫做白雪。
Her name is Ying–zhi Shi, ten years old, first grader at Zi Ying Elementary School. 她是石影芝,今年十岁,子英小学一年级学生。
Her name is becoming synonymous with the debate about the acceptable limits of medical intervention in the care of disabled people. 她的名字也变成医疗介入照护残障人士可接受限度之辩的同义词。
Her name is being bandied about as the next chairperson. 到处传说她将作下届主席.
Her name is known to us. 她的名字我们都知道。
Her name is on the tip of my tongue. 我一时记不起她的名字了。
Her name was coupled with his. 她的名字与他的连在一起。

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