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Don't get uptight! Take it easy.

Don't get tired of life; you are still young. 不要对生活厌倦;你还年轻。
Don't get too excited by the sight of your name in print. 不要一看到你的名字出现在出版物中就过分激动.
Don't get too matey with him he's a rogue. 别和他太亲近了--他是个无赖.
Don't get up so late next time. 下次别起得这么晚了。
Don't get uppish with me, young lady! 小姐, 别对我这麽傲慢!
Don't get uptight! Take it easy. 别紧张,慢慢来!
Don't get your knickers in a twist. I know he's a pain in the neck, but we just got to keep him safe till Monday. 别沮丧了。我知道他挺烦人的,但是我们只要保证他的安全到星期一就行了。
Don't get your m up, you should be friendly to them. 不要发脾气,你应该对他们友好。
Don't get your new trousers dirty. 不要把你的新裤子弄脏。
Don't gild the lily. 不要给百合花镀金/画蛇添足。
Don't give away this secret. 别洩漏这个秘密。

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