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The 25-year-old had attracted interest from Cardiff and his former club Leeds in January, but Smith turned down both clubs.

The 25-year old man was grabbed by his left leg as he sat on his surfboard Monday evening. 星期一傍晚,这名25岁的男子坐在冲浪板上,鲨鱼突然咬住了他的左腿。
The 25-year-old Czech Republic shot-stopper could have died as a result of the horrific clash with Stephen Hunt last October but fought back to both fitness and form in a matter of months after banishing negativity from his mind. 这位25岁的捷克门神在去年十月与亨特相撞受重伤之后一度有生命危险,在修养了几个中他在身体上以及精神上都得到了充分的恢复,之后他重新回到了赛场上。
The 25-year-old Yorkshireman suffered an horrific double injury against Liverpool in February, dislocating his ankle and breaking his leg. 这位25岁的约克郡球员在2月受了重伤,脚踝脱臼并且腿部还有骨折的现象。
The 25-year-old does not believe he did anything untoward to bag a second yellow and the first dismissal of his Chelsea career. 这名25岁的球员不敢相信他做了任何不幸的举动从而得到第二张黄牌——这是他在切尔西的第一张红牌!
The 25-year-old flew into London on Sunday night and told the authorities he was planning to join up with his Chelsea team-mates after spending the past three years on loan at PSV Eindhoven. 这名25岁的球员在周六晚降落在伦敦,告诉当局在结束过去三年在埃因霍温俱乐部的租借生涯后,他计划回来并与他在切尔西的队友会合。
The 25-year-old had attracted interest from Cardiff and his former club Leeds in January, but Smith turned down both clubs. 今年一月份,卡地夫和利兹俱乐部都对这位25岁的球员表示了兴趣,但是史密斯婉言谢绝两家俱乐部。
The 25-year-old has yet to make his debut for Lazio but is delighted to be on the books of one of Italy's biggest clubs. “登上拉齐奥的舞台非常棒,因为这是意大利最优秀的俱乐部之一”25岁的丹麦小伙说。
The 25-year-old striker, who plied his trade as a midfielder last season, suffered a broken leg and dislocated ankle against Liverpool in February. 这位在上个赛季踢中场的25岁前锋,在今年2月对阵利物浦的比赛中折断了小腿,同时脚踝还脱臼了。
The 25-year-old was taken to hospital after suffering a broken leg and dislocated ankle late in Saturday's FA Cup clash, but the vehicle was allegedly pelted with missiles and rocked from side to side by fans outside Anfield. 25岁的阿兰在遭遇了断腿和踝部脱臼的不幸之后被送往医院,但是救护车在场外却不断地被球迷抛掷的物品砸中,并被推得摇摇晃晃。
The 25-year-old, who recently married Girls Aloud singer Cheryl Tweedy, criticised Arsenal while promoting his forthcoming autobiography. 这位刚刚和女歌手结婚的25岁后卫,在最近即将出版的自传中批评了阿森那。
The 25-year-old, who suffered the double blow of a broken leg and dislocated ankle against Liverpool in February, has endured a hard summer slog to be fit in time for the new season. 这位25岁的球员在二月与利物浦的比赛中受了重伤,为了实时在新赛季前快愎,他在这个夏天忍受了艰苦的打击。

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