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The Democrats hold the edge in the Senate.

The Democrats are moving to the left not just on health care, but also on trade; and a more protectionist America would soon make the world's poor regret Mr Bush's passing. 民主党人的左转立场不仅表现在医疗问题上,也体现在贸易议题上;而且,一个贸易保护主义色彩加重的美国很快会让全世界的贫困者对布什先生的离任感到后悔。
The Democrats did not set any precise benchmarks. 民主党并没有设定任何精确的标准。
The Democrats donot even plan to broach the subject until later in the year, aftertheir first energy bill has got through. 民主党甚至都未计划要提出这项议题,直到今年晚些时候,他们的首个能源提案得到通过。
The Democrats have moved ahead of the Republican in the latest poll. 在最近一次的投票中,民主党已经领先了共和党。
The Democrats have two options. 民主党有两个选择。
The Democrats hold the edge in the Senate. 民主党人在参议院中占优势。
The Democrats hope to roll back his tax cuts. 民主党人希望撤回他颁布的减税政策。
The Democrats need a net gain of 15 seats out of 435 to recapture the House, and six, out of 33 contested, to take the Senate. 民主党需要净赚众议院435个席位中的15席才能夺回众议院的控制权,如果想控制参议院,则需要比共和党多得改选的33个席位中的6席。
The Democrats picked up many of their seats, particularly in the mountain West and in big states like Pennsylvania and Indiana, by fielding candidates who look like moderate Republicans. 民主党人获得了很多席位,尤其是在西部山脉以及一些较大的州比如宾夕法尼亚以及印地安那州获得了席位,把他们在这些地区的对手——共和党温和派赶下台。
The Democrats who are fed up with Mr Uribe are thinking of blocking a pending free-trade agreement with Colombia. 对乌里韦感到厌倦的民主党人正在考虑阻止同哥伦比亚悬而未决的自由贸易协定。
The Democrats' leaders mightcalculate that it is worth dressing up an energy bill with patriotictalk and weighing it down with subsidies in order to buy politicalsupport for more contentious measures. 民主党领导人也许会算计,以爱国的名义包装一项能源政策、同时以提供补贴的方式来增加它的砝码,以此来为更富争议性的政策争取政治支持是值得的。

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