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There are occasions when we would like to disable the close button on a dialog or any other window.

There are numerous patented technologies which can be piggybacked individually or collectively onto a carrier frequency to elicit all kinds of effects. 在一个载波频率上有着众多的专利技术,它能个别偷偷的或集体的引起所有种类的影响。
There are numerous petals under the tree. 树下有数不清的花瓣。
There are numerous student governments in Yale. By transforming my previous experience and the desire to promulgate our Chinese culture to foreigners, how could I apply for Yale Newspaper? 在耶鲁,学生纷纷参加各种社团活动,是如何运作的?我如想到耶鲁校报当记者,向不同国家的同学介绍中国的文化,怎样申请加入?
There are obvious effects for pain which caused by sub-health, and weakened immunity. 对亚健康引起是酸胀疼痛、免疫力下降有显著的改善作用。
There are obvious or mystical symbolic meanings in material, motif, color, direction, number, and size etc., which they selected in any artwork. 他们对于艺术作品所选用的材料、主题、颜色、方向、数目、大小等,皆具有明显或是神秘的象徵意义。
There are occasions when we would like to disable the close button on a dialog or any other window. 有时我们需要禁用对话框或其它任何窗口的关闭按钮。
There are odd overlappings and abrupt unfamiliarities; kinship yields to a sudden alienation, as when we hail a person across the street, only to discover from his blank response that we have mistaken a stranger for a friend. 两者间存在着某些古怪的交替重迭,以及令人甚感突兀的陌生感;亲缘关系已让位于一种突如其来的异化与疏远,这种情景仿佛就像我们隔着马路向另一个人打招呼,结果却从这个人漠无表情的反应中发现,我们原来竟然错将生人当成了熟人。
There are odor technicians in the perfume trade with the olfactory skill to distinguish 19,000 different odors at twenty levels of intensity each. 香水行业中的气味专家具有了不起的嗅觉,他们能区别出19,000种不同的气味,每一种气味能区别出20种浓度。
There are often clothes on sale. 经常有衣服在廉售(拍卖)。
There are often many nuclear families in one extended family. 在一个大家庭里经常有很多核心家庭。
There are often some default messages appearing in my computer, I do not know what to do. 我的计算机经常有出错信息产生,我不知道该怎么办。

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