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Conclusion: The main constituents in the essential oil from Gaultheria yunnanensis. are salicylic acid methyl ester (74.18%), hexadecane (1.59%), pentadecane (1.38%), 2-hydroxy4-methoxyacetoph-enone (1.09%).

Conclusion: The growth of foetus' nervous system influence the growth of histological structure of anencephalus. 结论:胎儿神经系统的发育影响其食管组织结构的发育。
Conclusion: The increasing of micronucleus rate of lymphocyte caused by ionizing radiation is significantly related to the individual cumulated absorb dose. 结论:电离辐射对淋巴细胞产生的辐射效应导致的微核率增加与个人累计吸收剂量密切相关。
Conclusion: The internal and external combined application of TCM for activating blood circulation and eliminating stasis can effectively decrease the blood viscosity, ameliorate the hemorrheologic indices and accelerate the tissue repair of patients with 结论:活血化瘀中药内外联合应用,能有效降低软组织损伤患者的血液私度,改善血液流变学指标,加快组织修复。
Conclusion: The long-term result shows th at it is a good method to treat mandibular tumor with prompt autotransplantation of boliled tumorous mandibule. 结论:随访结果显示煮沸自体下颌骨立即再植是治疗下颌骨肿瘤的好方法。
Conclusion: The loss of spinal corrective angle is one of the familiar postoperative complications after Posterior instrumentation operations on thoracic-lumbar fractures. 结论:脊柱矫正角度的丢失,是后路内固定术治疗胸腰椎骨折较为常见的并发症。
Conclusion: The main constituents in the essential oil from Gaultheria yunnanensis. are salicylic acid methyl ester (74.18%), hexadecane (1.59%), pentadecane (1.38%), 2-hydroxy4-methoxyacetoph-enone (1.09%). 结论:透骨香挥发油主要化学成分是水杨酸甲酯(74.18%)、十六烷(1.59%)、十五烷(1.38%)、2-羟基-4甲氧基苯乙酮(1.09%)等。
Conclusion: The mental retardation is correlative with the chromosome aberration and the fragile site expression rate. 结论:提示精神发育迟滞与染色体的畸变率和脆性部位的表达率有一定的相关性。
Conclusion: The method can be used to detect sulfur rapidly in the fumatory Radix Bupleuri with sulfur. 结论:本方法可用于快速鉴别市售柴胡是否经硫黄熏制。
Conclusion: The method is simple, reproducible and accurate to the quality control for Funing Suppository. 结论:所建立的方法简便,重现性好,结果准确,可做为该制剂的质量控制方法。
Conclusion: The method is simple, reproducible and accurate to the quality control for Shengjinxiaoke Capsules. 结论:所建立的方法操作简便、重现性好、结果准确,可作为该制剂的质量控制方法。
Conclusion: The metronidazole to episiotomy wound at postpartum to prevent infection is safe and effective. 结论:产后应用甲硝唑注射液擦洗会阴及切口,可有效预防伤口感染,有利于伤口愈合。

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