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But You are a God of forgiveness, Gracious and compassionate, Slow to anger and abounding in lovingkindness; And You did not forsake them.

But Wright was startled when the movie's title, Thong Girl 3,and his role in its making was splashed across the front page of Friday's editions of the Nashville Tennessean newspaper. 纳什维尔(路透社),当制片人们告知田纳西州加勒廷市市长堂.赖特他们希望用他的办公室拍一幕电影场景时,这位市长欣然同意了。
But Wright's biggest contribution came on defense. 但是赖特最大的贡献来自防守端。
But Xiao Xun, head of the Women's and Children's Affairs Division under the Beijing Health Bureau, said the city had sufficient obstetrics* resources, based on the current birth rate. 据北京卫生局妇幼处处长肖珣介绍,按照目前的出生率,北京市并不存在产科资源紧缺的问题。
But Xiao Xun, head of the Women's and Children's Affairs Division under the Beijing Health Bureau, said the city has sufficient obstetrics resources, going on the current birth rate. 据北京卫生局妇幼处处长肖珣介绍,按照目前的出生率,北京市并不存在产科资源紧缺的问题。
But Yao got his third foul with 1:20 left in the half and the Kings went to the break with a 49-46 lead. 不过姚明在距上半场1分20秒时因为的3次犯规再次离场,国王趁机又以49比46领先结束上半场.
But You are a God of forgiveness, Gracious and compassionate, Slow to anger and abounding in lovingkindness; And You did not forsake them. 但你是乐意饶恕人、有恩典、有怜悯、不轻易发怒、有丰盛慈爱的神、并不丢弃他们。
But You have cast off and rejected, You have been full of wrath against Your anointed. 诗89:38但你恼怒你的受膏者、就丢掉弃绝他。
But You, O Lord, are on high forever. 诗92:8惟你耶和华是至高、直到永远。
But You, O Lord, be not far off; O You my help, hasten to my assistance. 诗22:19耶和华阿、求你不要远离我.我的救主阿、求你快来帮助我。
But You, O Lord, laugh at them; You scoff at all the nations. 诗59:8但你耶和华必笑话他们.你要嗤笑万邦。
But Zadok the priest and Benaiah the son of Jehoiada and Nathan the prophet and Shimei and Rei and the mighty men who belonged to David were not with Adonijah. 8但祭司撒督、耶何耶大的儿子比拿雅、申言者拿单、示每、利以、并大卫的勇士,都不与亚多尼雅在一起。

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