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The economic sanctions could not prevent the development of that country.

The economic problems in developing countries include not only the lack of capital, low per capita income, poor living standard, but also the imperfect market, disequilibrium of economic structure, disequilibrium of regional development, and rigid system. 摘要发展中国家的经济问题不仅表现为资本匮乏、人均收入低、生活水平低,而且还表现在市场不完善、经济结构失衡、区域发展失调、制度刚性等方面。
The economic recovery has taken root, but we need to let those roots spread and grow stronger. 本港的经济只是刚刚全面复苏,我们需要深根固本。
The economic restructuring proceeded at a dizzying pace. 经济重构以令人目眩的步伐进行着。
The economic risks in abandoning the peg are smaller than many in Beijing believe. 放弃固定汇率的经济风险比很多中国人笃信的要小。
The economic rules and regulations are law of the social standard,take maintains the social benefit as the datum, belongs to the sociallaw. 经济法是社会本位之法,以维护社会利益为基准,属于社会法。
The economic sanctions could not prevent the development of that country. 经济制裁不能阻碍那个国家的发展。
The economic slowdown has prompted many people, inside and outside government, to call for greater use of fiscal policy to promote growth. 由于经济放缓,政府内外不少人士呼吁,应进—步利用财政政策,刺激经济增长。
The economic statistics show that Russia is in the midst of an oil-fueled boom. 该经济统计数字显示俄罗斯正处于石油所引发的荣景之中。
The economic success of AGROTEK FIBERS is coined/shaped by products and service services such as PAD, Floor, Floor in addition to Pad, Cleaning and Cleaning.One can even receive offers on Cleaning, Cleaning, cleaning and Cleaning as well as on Kitchenware AGROTEK FIBERS是一家高效能的企业,该企业生产高精度的(辅)地面砖、辅路砖,地板,垫、衬垫,缓冲垫层、(汽车)垫枕、弹簧座、外胎花纹层、垫层,装饰、粉刷、涂灰、(抹的)灰浆,擦亮、洗涤、粉饰、清整、清砂、清理锻件(表面缺陷)、砂轮清理,清洁、净化、精制,提纯作用、净化作用。
The economic success of ALCAN DEUTSCHLAND GMBH is coined/shaped by products and service services such as Sheet metals, Section sheets of aluminium, Aluminium sheets in addition to Sheet iron ware, Metals and Aluminium alloys.One can even receive offers on ALCAN DEUTSCHLAND GMBH是一家令客户满意的工业型企业,该企业生产杰出的铝薄板,铝型材,钢板、铁皮、镀锡薄板,白铁制品、板件、冲压件,色铝,金属,冷挤压构件,轻金属,轧材、轧制成品,铝合金。
The economic success of M-D is coined/shaped by products and service services such as Electronic, Device, Service in addition to Vehicles, Coupling and mechanical.One can even receive offers on Car, Mobile, Repro and Radios as well as on sets with M-D in 是一家知名的、诚信的生产商和服务商,该公司提供新型的、专门的产品,例如车身结构,装置、设备,电器设备,车辆,手机,耦合、连接,轿车、载客交通工具,复制、影印,无线电广播设备。

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