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Keys was in my hand. I come back my house, But I don\'t kewn witch one can open the door!

Keynes described this global market in which trade flowed freely. 凯恩斯描述了全球市场的情况,在这个市场中贸易自由流通。
Keynesian economic theories and viewpoints in policy have been still playing their roles in capitalist countries up to now, and they also have some reference value to the macroeconomic regulation in progress in China now. 凯恩斯的经济理论和政策观点至今仍在资本主义国家发生著作用,对我国当前正在进行的宏观经济调控也有某种借鉴的价值。
Keys are available on application to the principal. 向校长申请就可得到钥匙.
Keys are used for opening locks. 整句话的意思是:钥匙是用来开锁头。
Keys to success for Rotarian businesses include developing a clear, consistent policy on alcohol and drugs and offering access to an employee assistance program. 扶轮社员事业成功的关键,包括了针对吸毒及酗酒制订明确、一贯的政策,并办理协助员工计划让员工参加。
Keys was in my hand. I come back my house, But I don\'t kewn witch one can open the door! 我手上有好多钥匙,我回到家,但是,我不知道那一把能打开我家的门!
Keystroke loggers or Trojan viruses are disabled and prevented from recording keystrokes as users input their passwords. 当用启输入口令时,按键记录程序或木马病毒被禁用并防止记录击键。
Keyword : Intelligent hospital management information systems, databases, object-oriented. 关键字:智能医院管理信息系统、数据库、面向对象。
Keyword strategy is critical to successful business-to-business SEO. 主题词战略对成功的事务对事务SEO至关重要。
Keyword: Constitute , Ink and Washing Painting Component, Work, New Features. 关键词:构成,水墨构成,作品,新特征。
Keyword: The digital television; high definition; The television line( TVL). 数字电视;清晰度;电视线(TVL)。

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