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India's higher selling,general and administrative expenses, as a percent of sales, were due to increased operating reserve.

India's anaemic 0.8 per cent share of world trade is a fifth that of neighbouring China. 印度目前只占世界贸易份额的区区0.8%,为邻国中国所占份额的五分之一。
India's capital, New Delhi, is the worst hit. 印度首都新德里疫情最严重。
India's defense ministry says the Agni-three missile was launched Thursday from Wheeler Island, off the eastern Indian state of Orissa. 印度国防部说,这枚烈火三型远程导弹星期四从印度东部奥里萨邦沿海的惠勒岛上发射。
India's demographic structure is indeed starting to look more like that in East Asia when its growth took off. 的确,如今印度人口结构与当初处于发展起步阶段的东亚开始越来越相像。
India's foreign ministry says this round of talks will end Thursday, at which time a formal statement will be made. 印度外交部说,这一轮谈判星期四结束。届时,双方会发布正式声明。
India's higher selling,general and administrative expenses, as a percent of sales, were due to increased operating reserve. 印度的销售费用,一般费用和管理费用较高,大概占总销售额的百分之一,其原因是运营准备金的提高。
India's main share-price index yesterday surged beyond the 10,000 mark for the first time, ratcheting up a popular sense of triumphalism surrounding the outlook for the country's resurgent economy. 印度主要股指昨天飚升并首次突破10000点大关,这使人们普遍进一步认为,印度复苏的经济前景将更加光明。
India's mobile networks are still largely focused on big cities. 印度的移动网络仍然主要集中在大城市。
India's politically influential media empires will be forced to restructure under proposed legislation designed to cut down to size the country's broadcasting monopolies. 根据一项拟议的法律,印度有政治影响力的传媒帝国将被迫重组。这部立法旨在削弱该国广播行业垄断者的规模。
India's population has exceeded one billion, making it one of the most populous countries in the world. 印度的人口已经超过了10亿,它已经成为了世界上人口最多的国家之一。
India's share and housing markets also look bubbly. 印度的股市和房市也正在冒泡。

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