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Methods Add the cefoperazone sodium, chloromycetin, ciprofloxacin lactate and gentamycin sulfate at different concentrations into plasma and determine the coagulation time and content of fibrinogen.

Methods A total of 260 pathological slices of liver biopsy were reviewed and their pathological and histological character was carefully analyzed. 方法对我院肝病中心送检的260例肝穿活检病理切片,进行回顾分析。
Methods A total of 324 tuberculosis patients participated in the study. 方法通过对324例患者血清结核抗体和痰检的结果进行对比分析。
Methods According to clinical manifestations, cases acre classified into 5 kinds of syndromes: hyperactivity of liver yang syndrome; qi stagnation and blood stasis syndrone; heat scorching blood vessels syndrome; deficiency of the heart and spleen syndrom 方法:根据临床表现分为:肝阳上亢证;阴虚火旺证;气滞血瘀证;热灼血络证;心脾两虚证5个证型。
Methods According to theory of specific binding of antigen and antibody, at first the anti-A monoclonal antibody (MA) and anti-BMA were labeled with the fluorescent, then fluorescent-labeled antibodies (FLA) were bound with corresponding biological materi 方法根据抗原抗体特异性结合的原理,首先对抗A、抗B单克隆抗体进行荧光标记,然后使荧光标记抗体与相应抗原(血痕)在最佳条件下结合,最后荧光显微镜镜检,判定血痕的血型。
Methods Acute peritonitis model was produced by intraperitoneal injection of zmosan A in SD rats, 2 days later, the levels of endotoxin and leukocyte in peripheral blood were measured, the levels of lipoperoxides (MDA and SOD) and glutathione (GSH) in lun 方法用酵母多糖A腹腔注射制备大鼠急性实验性腹膜炎模型,随机分为模型组和对照组;观察实验性腹膜炎时,肺损伤变化。
Methods Add the cefoperazone sodium, chloromycetin, ciprofloxacin lactate and gentamycin sulfate at different concentrations into plasma and determine the coagulation time and content of fibrinogen. 方法采用凝固法,以加入抗菌素后血浆中纤维蛋白原的凝固时间为指标,观察不同浓度的头孢哌酮钠、氯霉素、乳酸环丙沙星和硫酸庆大霉素对血浆纤维蛋白原的影响。
Methods After establishment of three dimension finite element model of shoulder, stress and strain of humerus were simulated and analyzed under the condition which longitudinal force was loaded on the humerus based on the 12 functional positions of should 方法建立人体肩关节的三维有限元模型,模拟在12个不同的肩关节功能位置上,肱骨受到轴向载荷时的应力、应变状况。
Methods After operation, the patients were treated with hyperbaric oxygen, blood vessel expander and high dose antibiotic. 方法耳廓鼻部断裂后严格清洗消毒,对位缝合或游离再植,细线缝合,加高压氧及给予改善微循环药物治疗。
Methods Analyse and contrast the causes of constipation after fracture affected by age, location, managing means, fixation means, wound degree and operation means. 方法将年龄、部位、处理方式、固定方法、创伤程度、手术方式等因素对便秘发病的影响进行对比分析。
Methods Analyzed diagnostic methods and therapeutic efficacy of 43 enterorrhexis cases. 方法分析43例外伤性小肠破裂病例诊断方法和治疗效果。
Methods Atomoxetine hydrochloride was synthesized using 3-phenyipropanol as the starting material via six steps, such as chlorination, bromination, etherification, substitution, separation of levorotary isomer and acidification by gaseous hydrogen chlorid 方法以1-苯丙醇为起始原料,经氯代、溴代、醚化、胺化、拆分、氯化氢成盐6步反应合成盐酸托莫西汀。

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