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Serious energy crisis. They are concerned of the exhausted oil and food in the future.

Serine is also a product of photorespiration and other metabolic reactions. 在光呼吸和其它代谢反应的产物中也有丝氨酸的存在。
Serious analysts from big investment firms are talking ominously about “the big one”. It will make you angry to learn just how the investment industry has got you involved. 大投资银行的认真的分析员对目前形势都比较悲观,这将使你愤怒地知道投资机构是怎么样让你也涉及进去的。
Serious cases of embezzlement, bribery, and bureaucracy have been brought to light recently. 最近揭发出相当严重的贪污、受贿和官僚主义问题。
Serious corrosion occurs in salt water. 在盐水中会发生严重的腐蚀现象。
Serious crime must be punished by longer terms of imprisonment. 重罪须处以长期监禁.
Serious energy crisis. They are concerned of the exhausted oil and food in the future. 能源危机。他们担心人类不久会用完石油、发生食品短缺!
Serious lack of circulating fund forced the closure of the company. 公司因缺严重乏流动资金而被迫关闭。
Serious natural calamities or man-made accidents. 严重之天然或人为事件。
Serious newspapers do not cater to people's love of scandal. 严肃报纸不去迎合人们对丑闻的爱好。
Serious piles are discussed with the nondestructive-detecting theory in this paper, what's more, the satisfactory result by comparing test of large-proportion model pile. 分析了各类缺陷桩振动波形的特点,并且通过大比例模型桩和工程桩对比试验,得到较满意的结果。
Serious psychological and health problems were identified because of the direct provision system, and the challenges faced by people who may have experienced torture or rape in their country of origin. 由于直接规定制度以及有些人可能在原籍国曾经受过折磨或强奸,他们有着严重的心理和健康问题。

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