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It seems like everyone is wearing small tight T-shirts, they must be all the rage .

It seems incongruous that somebody can own a mobile phone, yet has to waste hours queuing for drinking water. 这就好像一个人虽然拥有一部移动电话,但却不得不排着几个小时的队等水喝,这种情况看上去是不协调的。
It seems inevitable that in the future we will scale microcircuits vertically as well as horizontally. 未来我们在规划微电路时,则无可避免地必须同时考虑垂直与水平的方向。
It seems it is going to rain. 看起来要下雨了。
It seems keener on blood transfusions than on bloodletting. 相比于给经济放血,它看起来更热衷于给它输血。
It seems like a crazy idea, going to Britain to see the moorland. 到英国去看荒原,似乎是个荒唐的主意。
It seems like everyone is wearing small tight T-shirts, they must be all the rage . 看起来所有人都穿紧身T恤,那一定很时髦。
It seems like from birth, so far,I‘v been a thinker. 好像与生俱来一般,我一直是个思想者。
It seems like funny jokes are sometimes few and far between. 有趣的笑语有时似乎实在太少了。
It seems like he has on any original idea, his speech full of platitude. 他似乎没有什么独到的见解,他的讲话充满了陈词滥调。
It seems like he's in the clouds. 他似乎心不在焉。
It seems like one of the hardest lessons to be learned in this life is where your business ends and somebody else's begins. 在这世上最难学会的一门功课,似乎就在于分清自己的职责的尽头处与人家的职责的开头处。

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