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Yet evidence abounds that banks are still gun-shy` about lending to business.

Yet even then it was hard to persuade a nervous General Musharraf to put Pakistan's nuclear hero out of business. 然而,即使这样也很难说服神经质的穆沙拉夫切断巴基斯坦核武器英雄的交易。
Yet even then their testimony did not agree. 59他们就是这么作见证,也是各不相合。
Yet even this bridge has enemies. 即使是这座桥也有仇敌。
Yet even this workaround cannot explain the competence of epileptic children who have had an entire hemisphere removed to control seizures. 只不过这种变通之道,也未能解释为了控制癫痫,而将整个脑半球切除的孩童病例。
Yet every work of art represents human creativity, human potential realized in plaster, or acrylic paint, or bronze. 每一件艺术品代表的是人的创造力,人的潜力就是通过这些石膏、化学颜料或是青铜得以实现。
Yet evidence abounds that banks are still gun-shy` about lending to business. 但是诸多证据显示银行对企业贷款仍是小心翼翼。
Yet experts say children over 6 months can handle most anything, with a few caveats: Be cautious if you have a family history of allergies; introduce one food at a time and watch for any problems; and make sure the food isn't a choking hazard. (幼儿喂食)指导书大都对民族特色的食品和调味品不屑一顾,桂皮和鳄梨虽然还流行,但都被目之以另类,而警告传言也让家长们对坚果类和海鲜这类有“可能导致过敏”的食品敬而远之,至少一年内不要让孩子吃。
Yet fevers aren't necessarily bad. 然而发烧不一定是件坏事。
Yet few could have expected what they saw in the third inning on Sunday night. 但是却是很少人能够预期到星期日第三局他们所看到的情况。
Yet few laymen realise that scientists first fused cells from different species as far back as the 1960s, as Ms Landecker describes. 然而就像兰蒂克女士所述,很少有门外汉知道早在20世纪60年代就有科学家首次将不同物种的细胞融合在一起。
Yet few of the main central banks in emerging economiesenjoy full legal independence, and thus often face pressure frompoliticians to hold interest rates low to boost growth and jobs. 但是那些新兴经济的中央银行中仅有少数几个在法律上是完全独立的,所以常常受到政客压力,保持低息以刺激经济及就业增长。

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