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She stayed there long enough .

She stayed at work when everybody else had gone home. 别人都回家了,她却还在工作。
She stayed awake throughout the night. 她一夜都没合眼。
She stayed behind in Vancouver, but lab tests haven't yet confirmed she has the measles. 她留在了温哥华,但测试结果还没有确定她患上了麻疹。
She stayed her sisters out. 她比她的姐妹们逗留得久。
She stayed in this house for seven years, and was well taken care of. And through the grace of God and her own piety her chopped-off hands grew back. 王后在这里生活了七年,受到很好的照顾。由于她虔诚地信仰上帝,因此上帝让她被砍断的双手又长了出来。
She stayed there long enough . 她在那里呆得时间够长的了。
She stays at home doing the housework. 她呆在家里作家务。
She stays at home each day studying and preparing food for when I get home from work. 方就真的不再上班了,在家里看书。我每天下班她都做好了晚饭等我。
She stays at home every day doing housework. 她每天在家里干家务活。
She stays at home looking after the baby. 她呆在家里看小孩。
She stays in bed all the time. 她整天都只能待在床上.

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