If the process is understood, it can be accelerated.
如果理解了这个程序,就能加快工作进程。 |
If the process of economic globalization and trade liberalization moves along rationally, it may not only allocate world resources more effectively and fairly, as well as expand the productive forces of all countries, but also promote the establishment of
如果经济全球化和贸易自由化朝着合理的方向发展,促进有效而公正地配置世界资源,促进各国生产力的发展,促进全球多边贸易体制和公正合理的国际经济新秩序的建立,从而造福各国人民。 |
If the product is a redeemed gift, where no invoice / receipt is presented by the user, the Guarantee Certificate will only be valid if it bears the chop of redemption centre and date of collection.
如受保之产品为换领之赠品,用户未持有发票/收据,产品保用证必须盖上换领中心之盖印及日期方为有效。 |
If the product is in short supply relative to the demand, the price will be bid up.
如果产品供不应求,那么其价格就会被抬高。 |
If the profit accumulation is the operating principle of economic system under the pressure of global capital flow, rather than the diversified representation of local cultures, the possibility of local culture productivity will be in doubt.
本研究将「大新店民主有线电视台」的发展置于全球化的脉络下观察发现,全球资本的运作虽然未必会带来文化同质,但却也不像乐观主羲者所认爲的全球化将促文化的多元流动。 |
If the profits in one year are not sufficient to pay the dividend, the ~ will be paid from the profits of later year.
假如当年的利润不够支付红利,未付清部分将由下年度支付。 |
If the program that you're testing comes with an application programmer interface (API) or a macro language, perhaps the function can call a single command and send it the file name and path as parameters.
如果你的测试程序涉及到一个应用编程接口(API)或宏语言,那么该函数或许能调用一个单独的命令,并把文件名和路径作为参数传递给它。 |
If the programs used by the firm are purchased or developed by outside vendors determine which firms prepared the programs.
如果在工厂中使用的程序是通过外部的零售商购买或开发的话,应确定是那些公司编制的这些程序。 |
If the progress chart is in horizontal, is it apply to a bar chart? Interesting point.
如果平放前锋线,适用于横道图吗?有趣的观点。 |
If the project has been realized jointly by two or more scout associations, this would implicate a joint presentation with the participation of members from all associations involved in the project.
如果计划是由两个以上的童军总会所合作参与的,则必需由所有合作参与的总会共同参与展示的活动。 |
If the project is large enough to warrant an architecture team, the goal is to have a good mix of talents, covering a wide spectrum of experience and sharing a common understanding of software engineering process.
如果项目较大,需要组建一个构架团队,则应尽量广聚贤才,使该团队既拥有广泛的经验,又对软件工程流程具有一致的认识。 |