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The constraints imposed by the institutional framework (together with the other constraints) define the opportunity set and therefore the kind of organizations that will come into existence.

The constitutional theory holds that articles 2 contains an enumeration of executive powers, and that the president must be prepared to justify all his actions on the basis of either enumerated or implied power. 宪法说认为宪法第二条包含对行政权利的列举并且认为总统应准备好(感觉好别扭)基于列举或默示的权利证明其行为的合理性。
The constitutionality of the prohibition against a second presidential term also has been challenged in the courts. 禁止的合宪性反对第二总统任期并且被质询了在法院。
The constitutor, which is also the chief designer, gives the main structure and provides a flexible combination of elementary setups such as different sorts of frames and boards with designs suit for corresponding different media. 设计主要构思是举办方(会场总策划方)构造一个展示主题的主要大框架和提供设计灵活式组合(场内各种展架、推广牌和一些基本设置)给不同的媒体方进行展览活动。
The constrain-analyzed results and the mission-analyzed results of some maneuverable missiles indicate that the model of maneuverable missile and turbofan integrated constrain analysis and mission analysis is feasible and available. 对飞航导弹的约束分析计算结果和任务分析计算结果表明,建立的飞航导弹/涡扇发动机一体化约束分析与任务分析模型是合理可行的,具有很好的工程实用价值。
The constraining factor is likely to be not demand but the ability of India's educational system to produce enough quality English-speaking graduates. 限制发展的因素不在于需求,而在于印度的教育系统有没有能力培养出足够多的有能力说英语的毕业生。
The constraints imposed by the institutional framework (together with the other constraints) define the opportunity set and therefore the kind of organizations that will come into existence. 由制度框架(和其他约束)设置的局限条件决定了机会集以及未来组织的性质。
The constraints imposed by the institutional framework (together with the other standard constraints of economics) define the opportunity set and therefore the kind of organizations that will come into existence. 有制度框架所施加的约束(连同其他标准的经济约束)决定了机会集合未来组织的性质。
The construct has been extended beyond the realm of mental illness by Robert Raskin of the Tulsa Institute of Behavioral Sciences in Oklahoma and several of his colleagues, who have constructed a scale for measuring narcissistic tendencies. 这个概念已经由拉斯金扩张应用到心理病理学以外的领域,在美国奥克拉荷马州杜尔沙行为科学研究所,他的团队建构了一个量表,用来测量人的自恋程度。
The constructed curve is shape-preserving to the polygon. 所构造的曲线对多边形具有保形性。
The constructed curve was shape-preserving to the polygon. 所构造的曲线对多边形具有保形性。
The constructed solving process is to establish a general SBR model firstly, then to derive the suboptimum solution by trial and error method with the help of simulation tools. 所构造的解法是首先建立通用的序批式反应器模型;然后借助仿真工具试差求取次优解。

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