The pop singer is the idol of young people.
这位流行歌手成为年轻人崇拜的偶像。 |
The pop singer was mobbed by teenagers.
那个唱流行歌曲的歌手被一群青年团团围住. |
The pop song is popular in the populous city.
这首流行歌曲在人口稠密的城市流行. |
The pop star was acquitted in June of child molestation charges in California after a five-month trial.
当时,这位流行歌王被指控猥亵儿童,在加州经历了长达5个月的审讯,并于六月份被宣布无罪释放。 |
The pop star was followed by a train of admirers.
那位流行歌曲歌星周围蜂拥著许多歌迷。 |
The pop star will be pampered with her favourite exotic fruits -- papayas from Hawaii, peaches and prunes from Dubai and Australian berries, Mumbai's Mirror newspaper reported.
据孟买《镜报》报道,这位流行天后将大啖其最喜爱的热带水果,其中包括夏威夷的木瓜、迪拜的桃子和李子以及澳洲浆果。 |
The pop star's Confessionsworld tour and her adoption of a baby boy in the African country of Malawi put her back in the spotlight.
这位流行天后的“告白”全球巡演以及收养非洲马拉维一名男婴让其重新成为焦点人物。 |
The pop stars generally project a healthy image, despite their funky stage looks.
巨星们通常都有一个健康的形象,尽管他们在台上的形象都很令人“胆战心惊”。 |
The pop-star was spirited away at the end of the concert before her fans could get near her.
音乐会一结束, 那位流行乐曲歌手没等歌迷接近她就没影儿了. |
The pop-star was spirited away at the end of the concert before her fans could get near her.
音乐会一结束,那位流行乐曲歌手没等歌迷接近她就没影儿了. |
The pope had implied, for example, that Muslims believed in a deity so far beyond all categories—such as goodness or rationality—that God could as easily be cruel and irrational as merciful or peaceloving.
例如,教皇曾经暗示,穆斯林迄今还信奉一个超越所有范畴——诸如仁慈或者理性——的神,这个神可以是仁慈的、爱好和平的,但也可以轻易地变得残酷和失去理性。 |