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A: This is the nature of peer-to-peer and networking in general.

A: This is our rock - bottom price, Mr. Li. We can't make any further concessions. 李先生,这是我方的最低价格,不能再让了。
A: This is such a great program! 这真是个很棒的程式!
A: This is the biggest vase I have. (我最大的花瓶就这个。)
A: This is the first time I've used this copy machine. Can you show me how to use it? (这是我第一次使用这台复印机,你能示范给我看看吗?)
A: This is the last of the milk. 这是最后的一点点儿牛奶了。
A: This is the nature of peer-to-peer and networking in general. 答:总的来说这是点对点和网络的天性。
A: This is the picture that I was talking about. What do you think? 这就是我跟你讲的那幅画。你觉得怎么样?
A: This is the twenty-first century. 现在可是二十一世纪耶。
A: This is your gift from me. 这是我送你的礼物。
A: This job offers you 3000 a month. Would you be interested? 这个工作月薪31000元,你对它有兴趣吗?
A: This means experience working in a post that normally requires the holder to have a degree. 这意味着这个工作通常要求工作者有个学位。

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