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The child would not let go his grip on Tom.

The child who does not grow up with lots of stories and songs in her parents' voices may be a junior Beauty Queen in the third grade but she will be emptier for this. 没有爸爸妈妈唱歌讲故事的孩子,可能会当选三年级的小皇后,却仍然为此而感到失落。
The child who does not have a reader's lap to sit in every night may go to a private school in his father's limousine but he will be emptier for this. 每晚没有大人拥着念书的孩子,可能上的是私立学校,上学时坐着他爸爸的豪华轿车,但在念书上他不如人。
The child whom she takes care of is a ten-year-old boy. 她照看的那个孩子是个10岁的小男孩.
The child will be six. 那孩子将满六岁了。
The child would answer back to all she said. 她说什么这孩子都要回嘴。
The child would not let go his grip on Tom. 这孩子紧紧地抓住汤姆不放。
The childs brain collects sentences and gets better and better at producing its own sentences. 然后其大脑收集储存这些句子,接着它就能够造了更多更好的自己的句子。
The child's continual crying drove me to distraction. 那孩子不断的哭声弄得我几乎要发狂。
The child's death left a painful void in his parents' lives. 孩子的死给父母的生活留下了痛苦的空白。
The child's devastating problems are a source of untold heartache to the parents. 孩子灾难性的问题是父母无数的痛苦的源泉。
The child's face puckered up and he began to cry. 那孩子脸一皱哭了起来。

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