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For example, few people think twice about giving a credit card number over the phone and many are equally careless about what happens to the carbon copy when completing a transaction over the counter.

For example, every year nearly $4 million in unused scholarship funds (the difference between SHARE cost and actual scholar expenses) are credited back to indi-vidual DDF accounts. 例如,每年将近有400万美元的奖学金未动用(分享制度费用与奖学金学生实际支出的差额),最后都归还给各个地区的地区指定基金帐户。
For example, excess weight may change a woman's hormonal profile, making sustained lactation more difficult, or it may be harder for an infant to latch onto breast tissue if the mother is overweight or obese. 比如,体重超标可能会改变女性的激素水平,从而使哺乳期长度受到影响;或者是,婴儿吮吸超重或肥胖妈妈的乳房可能有些困难。
For example, exhibition, mechanism industries, logistics, transshipment and other product etc. 如:展览会,机械行业,物流,中转,其它产品等。
For example, existing flow ratios can't provide the composition of current asset, and the users of financial statements can't understand the specific weight of each element of current asset clearly. 比如,现行的流动比率不能提供流动资产的构成,报表使用者不能清晰地了解流动资产各要素的具体权重。
For example, fans sharing public domain music or sample tracks that new bands have released for publicity purposes, families sharing photos, movies, and genealogical information, and teenagers playing multiperson on-line games. 例如,乐迷共享收集的公域音乐或新乐队用于推销自己的样本音乐;家庭共享照片、电影及家族信息;十几岁的青少年玩多人在线游戏。
For example, few people think twice about giving a credit card number over the phone and many are equally careless about what happens to the carbon copy when completing a transaction over the counter. 例如,没人会在电话上两次给信用卡密码,但很多人都忽略在柜台上完成交易后遗留的副本。
For example, finger-on-glass controls replace cockpit switches for selecting such functions as air refueling mode and flight control system tests. 举个例子,指触屏幕控制技术取代了选择诸如空中加油模式和飞行控制系统检测等相应功能的座舱开关。
For example, fingerprint sensors on laptops often come with software that lets the user run a “password safe”. 比如,笔记本电脑上的指纹识别装置通常要与软件一起使用,这种软件会让用户运行一个“密码管理器”。
For example, flags should never be allowed to touch the ground. 例如,国旗绝不能触碰到地面。
For example, for TDR algorithms, when the termination matches the loop impedance, the size of all reflections is significantly reduced, and the effect of component variations can exceed the difference in reflection location and size at even shorter loops. 例如,在TDR算法中,当终端匹配环路阻抗时,反射的大小显著的减少,在甚短的环路里,元件差异的影响能超过发射位置和大小的差异。
For example, for conception, the basic tests are blood hormonal profile for female and semen analysis for male. 如目的是想怀孕,女性荷尔蒙血液测试及精液化验是最基本的测试。

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