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RLSD changes are also used for signaling in Class I faxing [6].

RITA: You'd better hire a baby-sitter, or you're going to be too tired to rehearse. 丽塔:你最好雇个保姆,否则你会累得排练不了的。
RITA: You're a very good mother, Mary Beth Adams, and you have wonderful children. 丽塔:你是个好母亲,玛丽•贝思•亚当斯,而且你有这么好的孩子。
RLF-series are with indoor brass wore clip of cover ,which can be used for the connection of in-wire and branch wire for one-house one meter system . RLF系列用于配护罩户内铜线卡用于一户一表工程电力进户线与分支导线的连接。
RLF2-series dual-splitting brass wire clip is used for the connection of in-wire and brand wire and brand wire in one-house one meter system. RLF2系列双分流铜线卡用于一户一表工程电力进户线与分支导线的连接。
RLF4-series four-splitting brass wire clip is used for the connection of in-wire and brand wire in one-house one meter system. RLF4系列四分流铜线卡用于一户一表工程电力进户线与分支导线的连接。
RLSD changes are also used for signaling in Class I faxing [6]. RLSD变化是也使用为发信号在里面类我传真[6].
RM Inventory management: Cooperate with supply coordinator for the warehouse management. 原料仓库管理:配合供应协调员做原料仓库管理。
RM: Cup of LifeNo.1 in 25 countries. 瑞奇:生命之杯在25个国家名列第一。
RM: Dreams that I've had before were wishes that, to be quite honest, came true. 瑞奇:说心里话,我过去的梦想已经变成现实。
RM: I've been a crazy lad past for years. 瑞奇:在过去的几年里,我一直是一个疯狂工作的人。
RM: Who am I? I am the new Ricky. 瑞奇:我是谁?我是一个崭新的瑞奇·马丁。

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