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A: My sister always [B]takes pity on [/B]some stray cat or dog.

A: Learning a foreign language takes time. 学外语需要时间。
A: Mom, I'm starving. What's for lunch? 妈妈,我饿死了。午饭吃什么?
A: Mr.Cohen, please come in and take a look at the full Kowloon Park view. 商汉先生,请进来随便看看,这是九龙公园全景。
A: My colleagues [B]were envious of[/B] my success. 我同事对我的成功很妒忌。
A: My first question for you is what is it called when you go and sleep in tents out doors. 第一个问题是当你们去户外睡在帐篷里用英语怎么说?
A: My sister always [B]takes pity on [/B]some stray cat or dog. 我姐姐常常可怜一些无家可归的猫呀狗呀。
A: My son dropped out of school, and I just don't know what to do to change his mind! 我儿子退学了,我不知道该怎么让他改变主意。
A: OK. Peking Opera is a combination of music, dance, art and acrobatics. 好吧。京剧就是集音乐、舞蹈、美术和杂技为一体的艺术。
A: Perhaps I could recommend mushroom soup and clear soup. 也许我可以推荐清炖冬菇和清汤。
A: Please accept my apologies. It must be a misprint. Let me call the accounts department right away. 请接受我的道歉,这一定是印错,让我立刻通知会计部。
A: Please take me to look around your show room first. I am looking for the first generation micro-powder tile. 请先带我参观一下你们的展厅好吗?我正在找第一代的那种微粉砖。

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