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Too bad we don't get to hang around the Dursleys to see this done.

Too bad his usual cases are of the boring malpractice and fraud variety. 他通常的案子都是些令人生厌的失职、诈骗之类的。
Too bad my editors, darn them, insisted that I tell Joel what I was doing. 我的编辑们实在太差劲了,这些该死的家伙,坚持让我告诉约耳我所做的一切。
Too bad they have small *es. 可不幸的是他们那玩意太小了。
Too bad they have small penises. 可不幸的是他们那玩意太小了。
Too bad we can't bottle the sound. 不能将声音装进瓶里真是太可惜了。
Too bad we don't get to hang around the Dursleys to see this done. 太棒了,真可惜我们不能到德思礼家去看一看。
Too bad, for there probably isn't time to go back to re-read your lifetime's allotment of five thousand or so books. 更坏的是,可能没有时间再回头重读你一生读过的万卷书!
Too boring, please don$t bother me with your silly requests. 太无聊了,不要再用你这种愚蠢的要求来烦我。
Too candid for the ANC? 在非国大里,她算是口无遮掩吗?
Too cold, for one thing. 至少是,太冷了。”
Too dicey, far too dicey. 冒险,太冒险了。

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