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Ten staff members chose to relocate to Taipei.

Ten percent of the contract value shall be paid in advance by cash, and 90% by sight draft drawn under an L/C. 合同金额的10%应预付现金,而其馀90%凭信用证开出即期汇票支付。
Ten remarkable transformations of modem finance management function for hospitality industry are presented and discussed in detail in this paper, which is of directional guidance for both theoretical development and practice of the finance management for 摘要本文提出并详细讨论了现代酒店财务管理面对的十大显著转变,对现代酒店财务管理的理论发展和实践具有方向性的指引。
Ten renal patients self-help groups set up Alliance for Renal Patients Mutual Help Association in 2000, including Kidney Bean, Hong Ling Renal Club, Kidney Patients' Association - Tuen Mun Hospital, Renal Companion Association, Kidney Rehabilitation Socie 肾友联是由全港十个肾病病人互助会于2000年所组成,包括红豆会,康宁肾友会,屯门医院肾谊会,肾之友,肾康会,肾友互助协会,东华肾友互助会,广华肾科病人互助会,伊利沙伯医院肾友互助会,东区尤德夫人那打素医院肾友自助小组.
Ten risk factors for survival were analysed by multiple logistic regression analysis in this study: patient's age, smoking or not, degree of amputation, mechanical type of injury, amputated level, number of venous anastomosis, number of arterial anastomos 我们利用多变项的罗吉斯回归分析法来分析年龄、有无吸烟、断指的严重程度、断指的伤害型态、断指的发生部位、动脉的吻合数目、静脉的吻合数目、有无使用血管植瓣、缺血时间等危险因子对存活率的影响。
Ten soldiers were told off to dig ditches. 十名战士被分派去挖沟。
Ten staff members chose to relocate to Taipei. 有十位同仁选择调到台北。
Ten tenors, sons sang a song for Dan Tennyson. 十个男高音的儿子为阿丹.丁尼生唱一首歌。
Ten thousand Beijingers took a 18-kilometer walk in Beijing's Chaoyang Park to mark the 500-day countdown to the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games on Saturday. 为了迎接奥运倒计时500天,一万名北京市民于周六参加了在朝阳公园隆重举行的18公里的长走运动。
Ten thousand people maybe more. 数以万记的人,或许更多。
Ten thousand workers will have been sacked by the time our government sets up new policy next month. 在下个月我们政府设定新政策时,已有约有一万个工人被解雇了。
Ten times now you have reproached me; shamelessly you attack me. 3你们这十次羞辱我。你们苦待我也不以为耻。

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