At the end of the time set by the king to bring them in, the chief official presented them to Nebuchadnezzar.
18尼布甲尼撒王预定带进少年人来的日期满了,太监长就把他们带到王面前。 |
At the end of the trial period, the researchers found no changes in natural killer cell activity except in the group taking fish oil.
在试验末期,除了服用鱼油的组,研究人员没有发现自然杀伤细胞活性有变化。 |
At the end of the war, Keynes joined the British peace delegation at Versailles in France.
战争结束时,凯恩斯作为英国和平代表团的成员前往法国凡尔赛。 |
At the end of the war, search and recovery teams visited all the places where soldiers might have been hastily buried and dug up the remains to bring them home.
到了战争结束之后,搜索队会到所有可能埋葬士兵的地点进行搜寻,把剩馀的尸骨挖出来带回他们的家乡。 |
At the end of the war, the land grab by the Chiang government was even more callous and more open.
抗战结束后,蒋介石政府对土地的侵夺更加肆无忌惮。 |
At the end of the war, the people hated each other.
在战争结束时,人们互相憎恨。 |
At the end of the week's second training session, Dr Riccardo Agricola revealed the latest from the treatment table - including the conditions of Kovac, Boumsong, Marchisio and Zebina - to the Juventus Channel cameras.
在本周的第二次训练会议的最后,队医阿格里格拉面对尤文频道的采访透露的队内伤员的最新情况—包括科瓦奇、布姆松、马尔基西奥以及泽比纳。 |
At the end of the year, you're free to find another place, or renew your lease with the landlord, as long as he still wants you as a tenant.
1年结束后,你可以自由选择其他地方居住,或者只要房东愿意的话,你也可以和他续约。 |
At the end of this ceremony, we invited somebody to make a group photo of ourselves. Under the happy cheer, the ceremony of science&culture week came to an end.
在最后结束之前,今天负责开幕式的工作人员都希望来一次合影作为纪念。“一、二、三,耶~~”伴随着快乐的欢呼,为科技文化周的开幕式划上了一个圆满的句号。 |
At the end of this column, the construction of Network Science Park for e-Learningfrom the National Science and Technology program for e-learning, was provided to conclude the establishment for e-learning educational environment.
并于最后以数位学习国家型计画书中的「数位学习网络科学园区」分项计画内容,作为提供整体建构数位化学习的教育环境来总结。 |
At the end of this drama,many audiences have been touched.
到这部戏剧的结尾部分,很多观众都被感动了。 |