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“These decisions are not up to me, I want to focus on the present.

“These and other features are related to the anisotropy of the natural processes and it might therefore not be possible to eliminate them. “这些和其它一些特点,与自然过程的各向异常有关,从而不可能排除它们。”
“These are absolutely achievable figures and realistic goals,” Mr Putin said in an interview with the Chinese media. “这些是绝对有可能达到的数字和现实的目标,”普京先生在接受中国媒体采访时说。
“These are short but full articles of true religion, which carry salvation along with them, which make a true and full offering and oblation of our whole nature to the Divine operation, and are also a true and full confession of the Holy Trinity in Unity. “这些虽然很简短,但是真正确的教义,使我们因赐下的救恩而真正完全顺服神的启示下,也真正宣告承认三而一的真神”。
“These are startling results,” said Adrian Owen of the Medical Research Council Brain Sciences Unit, who led the project. “尽管这名病人被诊断为植物状态,但她保留了理解口头指令并通过大脑活动、而非语音或动作做出反应的能力,”欧文表示。
“These car–fanciers have recently organized a club. (这些汽车发烧友最近组织了一俱乐部。)
“These decisions are not up to me, I want to focus on the present. “这些并不是由我来决定的,我只希望将重心集中在眼前。
“These girls are highly motivated.” She said. “If you consider the fact that women still have to struggle for recognition in China, they are out to prove that they can rule the world. “这些孩子们有高度的积极性,”她说,“如果考虑到在中国妇女仍需为了被认可而斗争,那么他们现在出外证明她们可以统领世界。”
“These protests really have touched a chord,” Jahangir shouted to me as the lawyers chanted around her. “There is so much pent-up anger. The country is beginning to stir. “抗议确实引起了人们的同情和共鸣,”阿斯玛冲我喊道。此刻聚在四周的律师正在高呼响亮的口号。“社会积聚了如此之多的愤懑不平,却无法发泄和释放。(如今)这个国家正在开始觉醒。”
“These things pay off-good taste,a high standard of ethics,an attitude of public responsibility and low pressure. 高雅的品味,崇高的道德标准,向社会大众负责及不施压力威胁的态度-这些事让你终有所获。
“These were in fact quotations from a medieval text, which do not in any way express my personal thought,” the pope, 79, said in Italian, according to the official English translation. “事实上,那只是引用了中世纪(14世纪东罗马皇帝)的一个术语,并不能代表我个人的真正观点,”这位79岁的教皇是用意大利语发言的,并实况译为官方英文。
“They [wood stumps] warmed me twice— once while I was splitting them, and again when they were on the fire” (Henry David Thoreau). “它们〔木桩〕使我温暖了两次——一次是当我劈开它们时,另一次是当它们正烧着的时候”(亨利·戴维·索罗)。

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