Minutes later, officials showed off a picture captured by an observatory in Hawaii displaying a bright flash from the impact.
几分钟过后,地面指挥所的官员公布了一张位于夏威夷的某观测站拍摄到的“撞击亮光”照片。 |
Minutes later, the plane crashed, 80 miles southeast of Pittsburgh, just after 10 a.m. ET. The aircraft had been scheduled to fly from Newark, N.J. to San Francisco.
几分钟后飞机在匹兹堡东南80英里处坠毁,时间刚过10点。飞机是飞向三藩市的。 |
Minutes of Board of Directors' meetings or articles of incorporation or financial statement.
董事会议纪录或公司章程或财务报表等。 |
Minutes of every Board meeting are circulated to all directors for their perusal and comments prior to confirmation of the minutes at the following Board meeting.
每次董事会会议之记录均须于下次董事会会议予以确认前分发予全体董事﹐以供彼等细阅及发表意见。 |
Minutes of the bank's board meeting earlier this month show members expect year-on-year changes in consumer prices to be zero or to rise slightly at the end of the year.
日本央行理事会本月早些时候会议的记录表明,理事们预计,到今年年底,日本的消费物价年度同比变动将为零或小幅上扬。 |
Minutes refer to the number of minutes of use.
分钟指的是使用的分钟数。 |
Minzheng Zhang,Qingli Men,Qiang Pei,The Dynamic Stability and Mechanical Behaviors of Laminated Rubber Bearings,Proc.of International Conference on Advances and New Challenges in Earthquake Engineering Research,Harbin,China,2002.
参与科研项目“建筑结构基底隔震和被动控制研究”,获国家地震局科技进步三等奖,1997。 |
Miquan-Dongshan District covers a total area of 9970 square km., 17 km. away from Urumqi city center and less than 20 km. from Urumqi International Airport and Urumqi Railway Station with Nationqal Highway 216, Turpan-Uruqmi-Dahuangshan High-graded Highwa
项目描述:米东新区总面积9970平方公里,距乌鲁木齐市中心17公里,距乌鲁木齐火车站、国际机场不足20公里,216国道、吐乌大高等级公路、乌奎高速公路贯穿境内,连接四方。 |
Mir? also experimented in a wide array of other media, devoting himself to etchings and lithographs for several years in the 1950s and also working in watercolour, pastel, collage, and paint on copper and masonite.
米罗也用相当广泛的媒材来实验他的想法,在1950年代时有好几年都沉浸在蚀刻画及平版印刷之中。 |
Mira:Yes,I go to brunch every Sunday,and the same place also has a buffet dinner.
是啊,每星期天早午饭合吃,那儿也有自助餐. |
Miraball is a powerful advertising tool,Making use of the persistence of vision.When a row or several rows of ultra brighter wide angle LED spins at 2000-2200rpm,the built-in CPU commands the LED dots light up or go out at a very accurate pre-programmed s
二:魔球是一实用新型的消费前沿动态广告信息的发布媒体,内置微电脑芯片处理经个人电脑预先编辑后存于记忆体内的图信息后,按非常精确的时序不断点亮和熄灭,在一列或数更高速旋转广角发光二级管列阵中特定的点,在人眼视觉暂留作用下,用户想要的图文就会神奇地浮现在球体内360度的视觉空间中。 |