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I've got to hand it to you, you really did a good job.

I've got to go answer the call of nature. 我需要去上一下厕所。
I've got to go meet a professor. 我必须去见一位教授。
I've got to go next door for a moment. 我必须去隔壁一下。
I've got to go pound out another report. 我得(用打字机)劈劈啪啪地打出另一份论文来。
I've got to go write some fan fiction. 我得开始写一些同人去了。
I've got to hand it to you, you really did a good job. 我不得不称赞你,你做得真不错!
I've got to hang up now. 我现在得挂断了。
I've got to keep my nose to the grindstone to support my family. 我拼命工作养家。
I've got to keep on my toes and push on and do as well as I can. 我能一定保持在我的脚趾努力向前并做好。
I've got to pick up my coat from the cleaners. 我得到洗染店去取大衣了.
I've got to pick up my coat from the cleaners. 我得到洗衣店去取大衣了。

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