ROTARY is one of the largest international humanitarian service organizations in the world.
扶轮是全世界最大的国际性人道服务组织之一。 |
ROTHERMBA-W?RME Rolf Roth, Ing. operates as reliable partners and generates services within the range Baking ovens and Tiled stoves.
是一家知名的、诚信的生产商和服务商,该公司提供新型的、专门的产品,例如烘烤炉,瓷砖烧制炉。 |
ROUGH DRAFT of first paper due at the beginning of class. We will spend most of the class working on peer editing.
本堂课开始时缴交第一篇报告初稿,我们会花大部分的课堂时间做交互编辑。 |
ROUP THEORY – the idea that women are usually accompanied by friends, and to meet her a man must simultaneously win the approval of her friends while actively demonstrating a lack of interest in her.
小组理论:此种观点认为女人通常有她的朋友陪伴,一个男人想泡她的话,要在赢得她这些朋友的赞同的同时尽量表现出对她没多大兴趣. |
ROWAN UNIVERSITY has no control over and is not responsible for the issuance of student visa to entering the US.
罗文大学对美国的学生签证不具控制力,也无法对其结果负责。 |
ROWAN UNIVERSITY will assign rooms in a dormitory for students with late application.
如报名太晚,无法住进校园,则罗文大学将为学生安排适当的宿舍。 |
ROWAN UNIVERSITY will prepare a promotional pamphlet stating the features of the Green Path Program. The English version shall be deemed the only official version.
罗文大学将用书面宣传材料介绍绿色通道项目的内容。英语材料将作为正式的版本。 |
ROY KEANE has been part of a Manchester United side who once forced the bookmakers to pay out early on bets taken for winning the Barclays Premiership, yet he is unwilling to risk such a notion at his new club.
洛伊.基恩在曼联的时候曾迫使赌博庄家提前支付联赛夺冠的奖金,但现在他可不愿意在新俱乐部冒这种险。 |
ROY KEANE has taken a swipe at Arsenal by calling for anti-DIVING wristbands.
罗伊·坚尼呼吁制作“不要假摔”腕带讽刺阿仙奴(球员的假摔行为)。 |
ROY: Who can really comprehend this unique world?
谁能真正理解这个独一无二的世界? |
ROYCO 889 is a synthetic-based lubricant formulated for use in gas compression applications that require wide operating temperature ranges and minimun interaction between the lubricant and the process gas.
ROYCO 889是一种合成型的润滑油,专门设计用于需要宽工作温度范围且能最大程度上减少润滑油与气体反应的气体压缩过程。 |