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I drove eight hours/400 kilometres yesterday.

I dropped the key somewhere about here. 我把钥匙掉在这儿附近了。
I dropped the letter in the mailbox on the corner. 我在拐角处将信放在了邮箱里。
I dropped the letter into the mailbox in front of the Post Office. 我把信塞进邮局前面的邮筒里。
I dropped the plate on the floor and it smashed. 我把盘子掉在地板上砸了。
I drove all the way up to Boston. 我一路开车到波士顿.
I drove eight hours/400 kilometres yesterday. 昨天我驾车行驶了八个小时/400公里。
I drove her to the station and saw her off in the train. 我开车送她到车站,并送她上火车。
I drove to another location - no lines. 我驱车到另一个地方-没有能线。
I drove to office, jumped out of the car swiftly without locking the door. 我开车回到公司,跳出车外,也没理车门还没锁上。
I drove up in front of the house and honked. 我将车开到屋子前面然后按喇叭。
I dry my hands and face with the towel . 我用毛巾擦干了双手和面部。

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