In “Infiltration: Idylls and Visions” Yan Peiming shows a series of works on paper representing this kind of international landscapes.
在“渗--移影和幻想”系列展中,严培明展出了一系列纸画作品,表现的就是这种世界风景。 |
In “The Divine Comedy” he does so, single-handedly forging a tool of expression that became the literary language of Italy.
在《神曲》中,他实现了这一想法,只手打造了表述语言的工具,这一语言后来成为了意大利的书面语。 |
In “The Fall of Mussolini”, Philip Morgan suggests that the Italians have more reasons than most to want to forget their modern history, especially the dog days of fascism.
菲利普?摩根在《墨索里尼的毁灭》一书中说道,意大利人有更充足的理由去集体忘记他们的现代历史,尤其是那一段法西斯统治下的,人民生活水深火热的艰难岁月。 |
In 《The Selection of Yuanqu》,the positional phrases with no prepositions before them were used as adverbials and complements.
《元曲选》中,方位短语前不加介词可直接充当句子的状语、补语。 |
In (province/city) of China only.
只限在中国(省/城市)。 |
In) Autumn is when the countryside is most beautiful.
秋天是乡间最美的季节。 |
In, of, describing, described by, or related to a straight line.
直线的直线本身的、直线的、描述直线的或用直线描述的或与直线有关的 |
In, part of the group or action (e.g. He's down with us.
在团体或行动的部份(举例来说他和我们一起. |
In-Line pumps are mainly used to water supply for high buildings,booster pipeline pumps,fire fighting and air condition system with virtually no noise or vibration.
管道泵主要用于高层建筑供水、管道增压、消防喷淋和中央空调循环系统,具有振动小、噪音低的特点。 |
In-contrast to current assets, long-term assets refer to those as-sets that will be realized or consumed within a period longer than one year ot their acquisition, which are normally divided into fixed assets, intangible assets and deferred assets.
与流动资产相比,长期资产是指在超过一年的时间内变现或者耗用的资产,通常分为固定资产、无形资产及递延资产。 |
In-depth Analysis based on Dr. HuSongPing's Mastering Integrated Business Supply Chain.
结合胡松评博士对采购研发生产库存物流财务等实用性供应链知识,深度分析供应商管理。 |