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His will for you is to worship and serve Him.

His wife, Louise, has become patron of Europe's original charity for the rehabilitation of racehorses, the Thoroughbred Rehabilitation Centre. 欧文的妻子,路易斯,已经是一个致力于赛马康复的基金会的成员。
His wife′s extravagance soon bankrupted him. 他妻子的奢侈生活很快就使他破产了。
His wild behavior that day was clearly abnormal. 他那天的野蛮行为显然不正常。
His wild behavior was a great distress to his mother. 他的放荡的行为使他的母亲极为苦恼。
His wild-man persona even dominates a Federal Express commercial and the trailers for Eddie Murphy's upcoming Dr. 他的野人形象甚至在美国联邦快递公司的广告片里、艾迪墨菲「怪医杜立德2」的预告片里,都非常抢眼。
His will for you is to worship and serve Him. 上帝的旨意很简单,就是要我们敬拜他,事奉他。
His will they'll take away. 其志将为人所夺。
His will was written by his wife. 他的遗嘱是由他妻子代写的。
His willingness to work with AIDS patients was a clear demonstration of his altruistic commitment. 他愿意与爱滋病人一起工作,这充分显示了他对别人的关心。
His window was open, for the beloved janitress Spring had turned on a little warmth through the waking registers of the earth. 窗户敞开着,因为亲爱的女门房——春——已经打开苏醒大地的暖气管,送来一丝暖意。
His wingtip shoes crunch on gravel. Loose bullets scatter to the ground. The bourbon bottle drops and shatters. 他的翼尖鞋轧在砾石路上,任子弹散落在地,波旁酒瓶也摔到地上,碎了。

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