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The methods such as distn. and silica gel column chromatography were used to sep. the various components of the thickener, and the IR spectrometry, GC-MS combination and ESI-MS were used to certify the structures of the different components.

The methods of tendon suture are discussed in Chapter 63. 肌腱缝合方法将在63章介绍。
The methods of the rationality test of measuring-data in the brine were introduced in order to guaranty the credibility and accuracy of measuring-data in laboratory. 摘要介绍了卤水试验监测数据的合理性的几种检验方法,以保证实验室监测数据的准确性与可靠性。
The methods of the research is to annotate the original works of Chinese ancient logic with the tools of modern language and logic, to reveal the nature-particularity and universality of Chinese logic and the connection-difference and similarity between C 研究方法,是用现代语言和逻辑工具,诠释中国古代逻辑原典,揭示中国逻辑的性质(特殊性和普遍性)与中外逻辑的联系(差异性和同一性)。
The methods recommended, however, differ among the various sects of Zen. 各种方法受到推荐,然而,禅宗各种教派之间却各有分别。
The methods represented, in a sense, a step backward in technology. 在某种意义上,这些方法在技术上是开倒车。
The methods such as distn. and silica gel column chromatography were used to sep. the various components of the thickener, and the IR spectrometry, GC-MS combination and ESI-MS were used to certify the structures of the different components. 用蒸馏和矽胶柱色谱等方法对增稠剂中的各组分进行分离,并用红外光谱法、气质联用和电喷雾质谱法对各组分进行结构鉴定。
The methods that a community devises to perpetuate itself come into being to preserve aspects of the cultural legacy that that community perceives as essential. 一个社会所创造出来藉以使其自身生生不息、恒久不衰的方法得以形成产生,以保存在这个社会看来具有本质意义的文化遗产的各个方面。
The methods that a community devises to perpetuate itself comesintosbeing to preserve aspects of the cultural legacy that that community perceives as essential. 一个社会所创造出来藉以使其自身生生不息、恒久不衰的方法得以形成产生,以保存在这个社会看来具有本质意义的文化遗产的各个方面。
The methods that keep the ball in play are simple,but elusive until you uncover them for yourself. 比赛中保持球的方法很简单,但是却难以捉摸直到你自己揭开它们。
The methods used have helped enormously in cutting out deadwood. 这些方法在废物利用方面起了相当大的作用。
The methods we shall discuss focus on junk e-mail, but many of them could apply to other incarnations of spam as well. 本文的讨论焦点集中在垃圾邮件,但其中许多技术其实也能够用来对付其他变种的垃圾邮件。

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